Chapter 3

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I'm bored.

I have been sitting on my bed staring out the window for the last 2 hours. I mean I don't really have anything else to do since I don't have my phone with me. I knew my dad would trace my phone if I brought it with me so now I don't have a freaking phone.

Life sucks

I'm waiting for school to open up so I can go down and meet with the principal. It's 8 am and school starts in 30 minutes. I've always been an early bird so I've been awake since 6 am.

The school sent me an online form for my parents to sign. Honestly, I've never seen my parents sign anything in my life so I winged their signature and now I'm just hoping that I won't be thrown in jail for faking an identity. I swear to god if I go to jail at the mere age of 16 I will be throwing hands.

I haven't eaten in two days but honestly, I'm used to it so it doesn't bother me much. but seriously I need to get some food in my stomach before I go to school so I don't faint in front of everybody. That would be a real embarrassing first day of school.

With that idea in my head, I decided to head down to the lobby in search of some food. as soon as I'm at the bottom of the stairs the receptionist pam sees me with a smile on her lips.

"Hi Honey how are you," she says while looking down again to the computer.

"Uhm hey Pam I was just thinking if maybe there was some food down here," I say sheepishly being very embarrassed that I'm basically begging for free food. But honestly, at this point, I don't have much pride left. I think she senses that I'm in a shitty situation so she quickly gives me a look with sympathy.

"The hotel offers free breakfast in the room next door"

"Thank you, Pam," I say in a quiet voice feeling guilty for even asking for such a thing. All of a sudden I start feeling that anxious feeling in my chest.

"You know you can tell me if anything is wrong right? I know we only just met but a young sweet girl like you shouldn't be all alone."

"Why would you think I'm all alone?" I say quickly trying to get the attention off me. She smiles at me knowingly. "Just know I'm here if you need help"

With wide eyes, I give her a quick nod while hurrying down towards the eating room. As soon as I enter the room I notice that it's filled with people of all ages. There's everything from families with small children to creepy old dudes that look like they'd slid their hand down your pants when you're not looking.

I walk towards the depressing food table and pour a bit of oatmeal into the bowl. I don't see any milk on the table so I guess I'm eating plain oatmeal. I sit down at an empty table not being in the mood to talk to people right now.


I'm now on my way to school. not that it takes a long time since it's literally right across from the motel. I see all of the kids walking into the building and I suddenly feel very overwhelmed.

I feel the warm sun on my skin and I instantly feel calmer. I love the sun.  There's something about it that makes you feel like everything is going to be okay. The way it can warm you in all the right spots. It blankets with a type of comfort that's not easily come by, a natural solace. I've always appreciated the love for the sun, even on my darkest days when I want nothing but to exist in the dark.  I just can't help but stare at it sometimes.  I know you're not supposed to, but how can you not gaze at something you love so much? It's hard. I still don't understand why a higher power or science or whatever you choose to believe in—made the sun impossible to look at. It's the sun, it's supposed to represent the warmth.

I stare until my eyes go sightless, shutting and diverting them down to my feet. I see rallying spots behind my eyelids, rubbing them to adjust my vision from the sting. I guess that's the thing about the sun, it doesn't want you to stare too long. It doesn't want to be noticed. Because when you do, that's when you see things you don't like.

Maybe the sun only wants you to look at it for a moment because it knows it's not as beautiful as it's led out to be. Because the more you look, the more you see. If I stare too long, I realize the beautiful sun I adore is actually a cluster of violent fire that can blow up any moment and combust the earth into a trillion particles that will cease mankind to ever exist.  I guess even the sun—isn't as pure as it's led out to be.

I'm so damn poetic

I decide I'm ready so I make my journey inside with a fake confident look on my face. I try to ignore everyone else around me. Teenagers scare the shit out of me.

I accidentally walk into someone and immediately feel guilty. " I'm so sorry," I say in a small voice. The girl I walked into gives me a disgusted look. "Watch where the fuck you're going."

Jeeze Mary Lou

I ignore her dramatic reaction with a roll of my eyes walking away from her. Why do people feel the need to be so damn rude? I quickly walk inside the building trying to avoid any more uncomfortable interactions. I see a cute boy around my age standing a couple of feet away from me.

I tap him on the shoulder when I'm close to him. I catch his attention and he looks towards me with a flirty smile. Damn, that boy has nice teeth.

"Excuse me do you know where the principal's office is?"

He leans an arm against the locker very obviously trying to show off his muscles in his white t-shirt. "You know what as a matter of fact I do," he says still smiling excitedly. Silence takes over us since he isn't adding anything else to his sentence.

"Uhm that's great would you mind telling me where it is?" I say trying to end the awkward silence.

"Why don't I just show you where it is? that way I can make sure you find your way there," he says while putting his arm out for me to take.

"You can walk me there but I'm not putting my hand around your arm," I say with a bored expression. He laughs at my answer.

"You know what I respect that. What's your name?"

"I'm Aurora what about you?

"Aurora," he says like he's testing my name out. "Like the princess.

"Weirdly enough I've never thought about that." he just lets out a little laugh at my answer.

I mean it wasn't really a joke but okay.

He laughs again. Shit did I say that out loud? "Yeah, you did sleeping beauty." oops.

"I already hate that nickname and are you gonna tell me your name?" I say when we reach a door that says principal's office.

"Well, the nickname is sticking with me and my name's Aron."

"Well nice to meet you, Aron." Maybe he will be my first friend.

"You know what Aurora? I think we're gonna be really great friends." This gives me a smile on my face. " I would really like that." With that, he bows down in front of me and starts walking away.

With the possibility of a new friend I actually start to get excited for this day. With a genuine smile on my face, I knock on the door.

Okay, I lied... you didn't meet the romantic lead but you will soon. ARON IS NOT THE ROMANTIC LEAD.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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