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Bruce's Pov,
I quickly finished patrolling and set off home. I wonder what she is going to say, if only I knew. I turned a few corners and the took one of the secret passages to the cave.
When I arrived I noticed a note on the side. It was from Alfred my butler, he was out for the night visiting one of his old friends and will not be back until tomorrow afternoon. I smiled happy that he was doing something. Now it was time to go and find the princess.
Waking up the stairs from the cave I smell strawberries, like the strawberry scented shampoo she uses. I follow it until I reached my room. When I opened the door I was not prepared for the sight infront of me. Her skin glowed from the light of the moon, she was wistfully looking at the sky, radiant as always, I couldn't deny how beautiful she was and only in a silky silver nightgown, if only this moment lasted forever. 'Princess, you wanted to see me' I say making her jump slightly, she looked tense I knew in the moment that something was wrong as it is really rare to shock her. If only I knew what was wrong. "I... well... ugh. Hmp" she stuttered than sighed. I her blue orbs were piercing my heart right down to my sole, I realise that my hands were around her waist, clutching her tightly. She composes herself. "I cannot explain this so please do not ask me to. I can give you tonight, for one night we can let our urges overtake us. However, it is only for tonight, no strings attached" she says. Well it certainly was not what I was expecting I have to say. I was about to protest, I couldn't do something like that to her she meant too much to me, unfortunately she stopped me, placing her finger over my mouth. "Shh, Bruce. I need you, I...lov" she stammered then stopped and placed her lips over mine. "Diana, we can't." I mumble into her neck causing her to moan. Our kisses become heated and passionate. Suddenly, we let go giving into our desires, all sense having lost us. Things carry on and by the time I realised what was going on it too late stop, not that I wanted it to.

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