Blackjack and Blood

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For lack of a better name, I decided to call this chapter Blackjack.

Umm, not sure where this will lead, but we shall see (:

First time writing The Mortal Instruments stuff. Hope you enjoy~!


Alec sat at the table with other Downworlders and felt very out of place, despite Magnus being right across the table from him. There were two vampires, another warlock other than his boyfriend, and a couple of the fair folk. Eight playing but almost all of them had a friend behind them. He looked toward Magnus's "date." She was beautiful but there was something not quiet natural about her. Not her beauty - that was as natural as can be - it was just the way she was. Perhaps, the way she held herself? She, also, was a child of Lilith but there was something different about her than others Alec had met. Apparently, her and Magnus had known each other long before Alec had ever met him.

This was an underground event meant for only Downworlders, and Alec knew they didn't accept members of the Clave, but they really didn't have a choice in the matter: Downworlders have been going missing after playing cards here. The report was from a vampire who had lost their companion. Something like she went missing after losing a high-steaks game and didn't return. Ever. It had seemed that this has been going on for quiet awhile but now Downworlder wanted to report it to the Clave thinking that they could take care of it themselves.

"How's the High Warlock of Brooklyn doing with his Fine Lady?" Some guy who Alec remember from somewhere passed by.

"Fine, fine." Magnus smirked toward him.

His Fine Lady. Is that what she was called in Downworlder gossip? Alec still questioned how him and Magnus could be together, despite all they had been through. He mentally shook his head. He was just being paranoid.

The dealer passed out the cards and gave Alec what nearly looked like a death look. They hate Shadowhunters here. Jace, Clary, and Izzy were somewhere else, being more eyes for the Clave around the 'closed' casino. Izzy was actually there as his "date." Meaning, they were there together as brother and sister, of course. Must be something like the more around the better. Better meaning safer. Is what Alec couldn't understand is why Magnus had to being a "date" of his own and why Alec couldn't be his date. Or companion. Whatever Magnus would want to call him.

Cuz I'm a Shadowhunter. The back of his mind whispered. His date could have been Izzy's companion just as easily as it is now.

Glancing at Magnus, seeing his yellow cat eyes looking tired and already drained already even though they just got here. When they walked in there was a sign saying that any use of magic or anything similar, was strictly intolerable, and there was precautions to avoid it. What they were, Alec didn't know. But they sure seemed to affecting Magnus.

"Shadowhunter," the dealer said, addressing him, "hit or pass?" He was a tall and handsome vampire. His teeth showed as if he was very thirsty. Or he could just keep them out to intimidate people others.

"Hit." Dealer passed him a card that resulted in a bust. Magnus tried to make eye contact with him but Alec avoided. Alec thought of his boyfriend's chest. The immense scar that will soon be there from his neck down to his abdomen. Alec shivered.

The game went on as any other game. Meaning there might be a definite winner and a definite loser. The plan was that one of the group be the loser and pretty much improvise from there. Find out what exactly has been happening to the loser.

During the game, Alec focused on losing and let his mind wander to the few days before.


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