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Here it is!

I still don't know what to call this fan fiction story, but I am working on it!

Thank you Cassandra Clare for her writing The Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices series! I love them!

"You're just like any other Lightwood," Magnus whispered to no one. "You always must have the last word." Magnus locked the door that was just slammed in his face and slumped against it.

Alec... His eyes were burning and he knew his eyeliner was streaking down his face in the most unattractive manner. I must look like a poor child with a dirt-covered face; tears streaking parts of it away.

Magnus couldn't even think. His mind went completely blank and he stared at his own hands thinking about what a monster he is. He got up absently and walked up stairs into the bathroom to take a shower himself, in hopes of calming down with a fresh start. Instead, he got even more stirred up. He cleansed himself of all his usual glitter and makeup then dried off. Wrapping a towel around himself, he looked into the mirror at the pale reflection. Looking up and down it, realizing the difference between now and how he used to look in the past. He really looked bad; and all over one young Shadowhunter.

Magnus choked back a gasp that dared to escape his throat. Walking into his bedroom to find clothes to wear, he found a dark grey tight-fitting v-neck and tight, torn, black skinny jeans. His hair dangled lightly in his face, naked of any glitter and gel; moistened from the shower. This is good. For now. Magnus walked out into the loft and threw himself down on the couch out looking the outdoors. The clouds hung over the street, just barely holding what would surely become a massive downpour. It would be a terrible storm later, there was no avoiding that fact. Magnus allowed himself to drift into something close to sleep.

"Magnus?" It was Momoko. She told Magnus to forget about the problem with the Faeries, that she could hold it back with Regal's aid, and to deal with Alec. She faked leaving just in case things went wrong. She always knows when things will go wrong. Always. A trait she must've picked up with her experiences...

"Hey..." Magnus whispered, not bothering to sit up. He knew she would come over to him and join him on the couch soon.

"So how did it go?" She asked as if she didn't already know.

"Terrible. I'm glad you're here." Magnus sounded aloof, despite not trying to be.

"I'm sorry. It was my fault." She sat down on the arm of the couch, not even making eye-contact.

"How so?" Magnus rolled on his back, looking at the ceiling.

"As if you don't know. I verbally murdered the kid." She was very straight-forward; as usual, it was something Magnus liked about her. Something he also liked about Alec.

"He didn't care about that. He cared about the separation... He called me a freak... Someone who shouldn't be trusted... A liar..." Magnus covered his eyes with his arm.

"You know you don't need to hide from me. Come here..." She grabbed the arm Magnus covered his eyes with and drew him into a sitting position facing her.

"I'm sorry, I just..." Magnus felt his face heating up; if it were from the fact she was staring at him or because he was crying, he wasn't sure.

"Magnus. I'm sorry. I truly am. But... It will be better this way in the end..." She was sincere.

"I know, I just... It hurts. I'm sick of being hurt by him..." Magnus kept his eyes low, looking down at his hands.

"He doesn't deserve you, sweetheart. Damn it! Look at me!" She slapped his hand partly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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