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Enjoy~! ♥

Blink, blink. Alec opened his eyes as the early morning sun shined through the loft windows. He checked the time: 7:36. He lightly stood up so he wouldn't wake up his warlock. He walked towards Magnus's bathroom so he could take a shower. On his way there, he wondered how he could surprise Magnus. So, he started digging through his drawers. He found Magnus's famous skinny leather rainbow pants. Then, he went over to the closet and grabbed a studded jacket. He went into the bathroom and started the shower. He got in and let the shower loosen his muscles and memories from the night before started to flood into his mind. Along with those memories came a terrible headache. Alec never really drank much and last night was a lot more than he'd ever had. He got out of the shower, dried, and slid into the skinny leather pants. How does he fit into these? He is thin as a rail, I guess... They were tight. He pulled over the shirt he was wearing the night before and the studded jacket.

He walked out of the bathroom, past Magnus's bed, and into the loft. He walked to the couch expecting to see Magnus right where he left him. What was expected was wrong. Magnus was no longer there. Breakfast? Alec walked downstairs and walked through every room in the lower-level. No Magnus. He went into the kitchen and looked a little bit deeper; for signs that Magnus had been in there. All he found was a note: Darling, I am so sorry. A client came here at 7:45 and demanded we had a meeting right now. I couldn't refuse. I promise, I will be back before 8:15 and we can pick up where we left off last night if you'd like. Please, go ahead and have breakfast. Love, Magnus. He signed it with a heart.

"Well, so much for a nice morning together..." Alec muttered. Anyways, he started rummaging through Magnus' cabinets looking for something to eat. He found cereal and milk and finished it within ten minutes. He thought about how him and Magnus could spend the day together and maybe be together again tonight and..."Oh, shit."

Alec hasn't talked to his family or told them where he was for nearly a day. They're probably going to try and use a tracking rune on me and find me here... That would not be good! He darted upstairs thinking about how many missed calls he might have. He found his phone where he left it on the loft next to the couch. He sat down and looked. 0 missed calls. What? He scrolled through received calls and it listed as one being answered at 12:27. I didn't... Did Magnus? At least it was from Izzy... But my parents could've using her phone to call thinking I might answer for her... Without even thinking he called her.

After the second ring it was answered. "Alec?" It was Izzy.


"One minute. No, you can talk to him later! I'm talking to my brother in private." There was background noise, chit-chat. Must be the parents freaking out about how they want to yell at me to get home right this second... Or whatever.

"Alright, Alec, where the Hell are you?" She sounded more worried than upset.

"I-... At Magnus'."

"Well no duh, I knew that. Are you alright?"

"Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You... Were with that warlock all night. I wasn't sure." She paused. "Alec, promise me something."

"What?" There was a noise, like a cabinet opening. Alec jumped then remembered Chairman Meow.

"Please. Don't let Magnus hurt you."

"He'd never. He's practically harmless!" Alec was shocked she'd even ask him that. " Y'know, when he isn't being a bad ass warlock," he added.

"Just promise..."

"I promise, Izzy. Now can I ask something of you?"


"Please, cover for me for a little longer. Till around 2:00 or 5:00. I'm don't know how much longer till I'm ready to come home..."

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