Chapter Four: Wow Im Never Gonna get used to that Feeling

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"Okay you guys are kinda scaring me." I said in a nervous tone.

"Oh don't be scared" My dad reassured me. They looked at each other and then back at me.

"I'm pregnant again!" My mum said. I was taken back by her words for a second. Wait...what?! Did my mum just say she was having another kid! I was either going to through up or I was going to hug them both.

"Charlotte say something." my mum said. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"That's great!" I called out. I was actually extremely excited. I was going to have a little brother or sister.

"I actually didn't expect her to be this happy." my dad whispered to my mum.

"Why wouldn't I be happy?" I asked

"I don't know. I figured you like being an only child." She said. I just couldn't stop moving. I was happy until I thought of how they made the baby.

"Oh god." I said in a disgusting tone. My dad just smirked at my mum, I'm guessing he knew what I was thinking. "I got to call Tate!" I said.

"No you can't tell anyone yet." my mum said.

"What. Why not?" I asked.

"Because we don't the news out just yet." She said.

"Well poo" I said.

"Don't worry you have to wait just a little while." my dad assured me.

"Fine I guess I can keep a secret." I said. For some reason my dad seemed to give me a worried look, like he new I would eventually tell somebody.


The next day I tried to keep my mouth shut about the whole baby thing. But I was about to burst. I got to school and immediately went to my locker. I saw Tate coming to my locker.

"Hey." he said.

"What? Oh hi Tate um how's your day going?" I mentally hit my forehead. I was totally not good at keeping secrets. I blame my parents.

"Oh my god your hiding something. This has got to be good one. Spill it Hemmings" he said. Before another word could slip out of my mouth I ran. He of course ran after me. Eventually he grabbed hold of my waste.

"Tate let go!" I complained.

"Nope." he pulled me into the janitors a closet then he put me down.

"Okay now tell me." he said.

"No. And this is making me feel uncomfortable." I stated.

"What? This?" He said inching towards me.

"Tate come on stop it." I said.

"I'll stop when you tell me. " He said he said still inching closer to me.

"Nope I'm not gonna cave." I said. He inched closer to me now that our body touched.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Fine. My mum is pregnant again!" I covered my mouth once I said it

"What? Wow that's so great Charlie" he said. With that I grabbed his collar turned around so that he was up against the wall.

"I swear to god Hood if you tell anyone that I told you I will make your life a living hell" I said

"Okay. Damn" he said. I let go of him.

"Now let's go to fucking class." I said opening the door and walking in the direction of my class.

Tate's POV:

More Than Friends // Sequel of Friends with Benefits.Where stories live. Discover now