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soleil was ashamed--okay, maybe not ashamed, but a bit guilty-- guilty of her actions toward a certain someone on the bus ride towards the dingy canyon exhibit. she kept staring at the side of their head, imagining all sorts of crazy things.

(said thoughts directed towards his head couldn't be considered normal, mundane behavior, she noted.)

soleil focused on coach hedge's face, imaging devilish horns, midnight fur, and canine fangs. she must've looked crazy to anyone even glancing in her direction--soleil shook her head every fifteen minutes--like clockwork.

first the horns, now brown sasquatch fur, and goat hooves? she was 75% sure she was going insane. according to her miniature copy of the DSM-1500, these were surefire signs of hallucinations-- she was off her rocker for sure.

'get it together, soleil', she kept telling herself. replaying arctic monkeys' arabella for the umpteenth time was definitely not going to help, but she pressed play anyways and turned towards the window on her right.

leo was going insane, as he reminded piper for the millionth time. he switched his phillips screwdriver from left hand to right, and back to left, slightly making contact with the rough, puke-brown material of the bus seats. he continued staring behind him and his friends' seats, glancing back at piper's voice whenever she spoke. jason, like usual on these class excursions, was fast asleep on her shoulder.

"hey, like this isn't a normal occurrence for you, leo."

"shut up, beauty queen, focus on the drool you two love birds are producing on each other--"

"you're just salty that you can't do the same with miss mysterious over there", piper retorted.

"hey! bow blow, pipes! And make sure coach hedge upfront can hear you too, will you?"

piper rolled her eyes. "whatever... and pipes? do better. besides, it's not like she can hear us, she's either staring out the window or at coach hedge...weirdly enough. with her headphones on. and ear muffs in. we're on a class field trip, in nevada, of all places. what's up with her outfit?"

"well duh. i'm sure she knows that as much as we do--that's just her style"

leo couldn't help but glance behind his seat again, his warm brown eyes glancing over her 'eccentric' fashion choices-- black earmuffs, wired earbuds in her ears, bluetooth headphones strung around her neck, and navy blue fingerless gloves covering brown, dainty, guitar fingers, drumming over her mini-skirt clad legs. if he leaned closer, which he would never since that was super creepy---he would've noticed the fine detailing-- the star print etched in soleil's gloves, the green and blue plaid print on her cardigan, and the fact that her earmuffs had an electric guitar stitched into the left side.

soleil was currently staring at coach hedge (for what reason?) with intense focus in her onyx eyes; every couple minutes or so, she would shake her head, quick enough for no one to notice-- unless they were already focused on her (like leo currently wasn't). soleil would blink, turn to the window, and turn right back to coach hedge. '

And coach hedge? he didn't seem aware in the slightest. hedge was currently arguing with the bus driver, mr. moe, about the types of cactuses they had passed on the way. he did this while waving his bat around lunatically like he normally did.

leo rolled his eyes. like it mattered--- cactuses? cacti? cacti were cacti. and why did leo care so much about soleil's staring habits anyways? she wasn't doing the same with him. she was staring out the stupid window now, with only the back of her jet-black curls visible. so he slumped back down in his seat, fishing the screwdriver out of his pocket once again.

"tough luck huh? why don't you just talk to her?" piper leaned over as carefully as she could, without waking jason.

"whatever still mad over last week tuesday? I didn't think you guys would actually fall for that again!"



a/n- a wee bit of lore to set the scene :)

I literally cannot believe that I'm actually updating this???? in my author era fr! I might just rewrite everything in lowercase--- lowercase is superior in all aspects!

I literally cannot believe that I'm actually updating this???? in my author era fr! I might just rewrite everything in lowercase--- lowercase is superior in all aspects!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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