1. Rise and Shine

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August 10th
6:40 am
Jackson Residence-

"GET UP MAN!" My brother Randy yelled

"I'm up dang!...What you touchin me for?!" I yelled

"Shut up and get up man" he replied

And all I did was scoff. Today was my first day of High School. I'm pretty nervous. Im not too excited either. My sister LaToya says that " I should be happy that I'm not missing any of my 'golden years' like her". I was in 7th when all this crazy pandemic stuff started. That's also when I met Ralph.

While I was dozed off (which I do often) I felt a buzz from my phone. When I checked it was a girl that went to my middle school, she posted on her Instagram. Showing what she was going to wear on her first day. I was about to turn my phone off when I saw a girl I had never head off before commented.

"I told you to go with the blue skirt but pop awf ig😭"- itsImani

I was confused at first because I had never heard of this girl, but maybe she was new. This isn't like Indiana where everybody knows everyone. So I turned my phone off and got dressed, eat breakfast and walked to school with my brother Marlon.

Nelson Residence-

My alarm is what woke me up. And a pillow to the face for Mani. "It's 7 in the mornin" Mani said with her thick Florida accent coming through.

"I can see that smart one" I replied

"ooo you get on my nerves" she barked.

As you could see we aren't morning people. And we aren't the happiest to wake up so early.While me and Prince were slushing around getting ready I heard my phone chime. I looked at it and it was my friend Malia, she was showing her outfit for the day. I saw what she had on and it wasn't what I told her she should wear but do what you please I guess. Time passed, me and Prince we're dressed and off to school.

Macchio Residence-
"Time to get up Ralph" my mom cooded. I really didn't want to get up so I faked I was still asleep. But my ma' knew every truck in the book and caught on real quick. "Stop fakin' Ralph. It's time to get up for school." Busted again I thought. I groaned and got dressed, brushed my teeth and ate breakfast. But not without texting Mike before I left. I wanted to know when he was gettin to class.

There will me nicknames for everyone.
Michael- Mike
Ralph- Macchio or Cheerio
Imani- Mani or Mimi
Prince- P

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