Full Moon, Night One: Part Two

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Wasu As, 8 months by: ObsidianGhost

Wasu awakens to burning pain and a weakness he has never felt. Unfamiliar scents wash over him, and he sniffs weakly, trying to get his bearings. Cold breeze ruffles his fur and he whimpers slightly. Where is he?
Ah yes, he remembers now. The betrayal of his brothers. They have left him to die it seems. His first several attempts to stand end in failure, and he gives up for a moment, staring at the near dusk sky. Crickets begin their twilight song with an urgency what almost sounds like: "Get up! Get up!" He gives a grumble at the sound and drops his head weakly back to the ground.

"I have been lying here for almost a full day..." His musing jolts him to his feet with a groan. Is Kia well? Levi? It is still too early to connect with Levi, he would not yet be asleep. Giving his fur a stiff shake, he slowly makes his way in what he hopes is the right direction. His senses are too muddled to be of any real help at the moment, so he follows the stream; hoping for at least a fish. He feels he hasn't eaten in days. He needs to reach the walls. There is no other real option for him.
Looking up at the near full moon, his pace quickens despite the pain.
He's running out of time.

"We'll be back in three days' time.", Levi reassures Kia for the fifth time.
"You hope."
He sighs and kisses the tip of her nose, and then bends to place a kiss on her belly. Straightening up, he gives her one last kiss before mounting his horse.
"Stay in the barracks. I'm troubled by the lack of communication from Wasu."
"As am I."
The troops move out, leaving Kia to watch with worry and sadness.
Levi turns to look back, letting the image of his love burn into his mind.
"I love you."
He smiles.
"I love you too."

The gates are opening, and Levi and the rest of his small group pick up the pace, leaving a trail of dust amidst thundering hooves. No one sees the cloaked figure that slips in, and darts behind a nearby building.
With a heavy heart, Kia walks back to the barracks. She just makes it in the door when a heavy hand covers her mouth.
"Hello Kia."

'I must have gotten turned around. This doesn't look familiar at all.' Rock and a heady earth scent surround Wasu as he explores the area in question. Up in the distance lies a gaping crevasse in what appears to a cave.
The sounds of whispering pricks at his ears and curious, he heads towards the sound. Maybe this will be a safe place to rest. The open fields of the surrounding unknown territory leave him feeling exposed and uncomfortable.
The darkness of the cave startles him, and he steps forth hesitantly. Night vision is of no use here, and the dry scent of rock gives nothing away regarding any denizens of this cave. Then why the whispering? Some of the voices sound vaguely familiar, and he realizes soon that one such voice is Grand Dame's. Focusing on this, he continues forward.

Eventually he finds himself in a large cavern, devoid of anything distinguishing save for the light coming through from a hole above him. The near full moon sits perfectly above, bathing him in silvery light.
Mesmerized, he drops to his belly and closes his eyes; listening to the whispering voices coalesce into one.
"Ina bit ina ur munaggiru salmat qaqqadi. Tebu sarratum tug alka eridu."
(The house of the wolf denounces mankind. Remove false garment, come home.)
His ancestors surround him, and he falls into a comforting sleep.

PhasesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora