Full Moon, Night Two: Part Two

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Wasu As: Farewell, Levi by: ObsidianGhost

Wolves have been harrying them constantly since they left. Having no fear of the titans, they would dodge and weave amongst the towering giants to nip at the heels of the horses. Several soldiers had to be sent back in carts due to the losses of their horses.
"Too bad Kia couldn't come. She could use that scream of hers and send the titans away. Then all we would have to worry about are wolves.", Hanji muses as she packs up her tent that morning.
Levi says nothing, only giving an anxious shrug.
"It's too bad I couldn't experiment with that talent of hers."
"You talk as if we'll never see her again. Stop."
Levi turns from her sympathetic gaze and packs his horse. He's been thinking just that, and the pain of it is like a tidal wave.
'Just a couple more nights and I'll be home, love. I'll be home.'

"I can't believe you are doing this, Ahu! Why?"
They have just gotten back to the clearing, and the dusk sits heavy among the trees. Wolves surround the perimeter; and she has no means to escape.
"I must do what is the best interest of our people. If that means choosing over a pack mate.... so be it."
"And the life of my child?"
"It's an outsider! It's father is an outsider! It has no business in-"
His words are cut short by Kia's scream of pain. She crumples to the ground, and Ahu smiles in understanding.
"It is blood moon borne. Of course, I could sacrifice it instead of you...."
The labor pains begin.
"Kima Parsi Labiruti" (Treat Her In Accordance With the Ancient Rites)
"Uri nanna damu, eteru ina ul." (Blood Moon Child, save the clan)
"Faster!" Levi cries, spurring his horse ahead. Hanji rides up, shouting over the sound of pounding hooves.
"Levi, what's wrong?"
"They have her. They have Kia, and I'm going to kill them all."
"Annu mahqlu, lapan sen. Isten damu." (This offering before you. First child.)
The words go on in a haze as the pain sears through her. Fire burns in her abdomen, and she feels ripped apart. With one last fierce scream, Kia brings forth life....
.... but she also brings titans.
"Fuck!" Scanning the clearing quickly, Levi runs forth. "Take care of the titans first. I'm going for Kia."
The soldiers spread out at his words and join the fray. He spots her almost immediately, at the back edge of the clearing and holding a small bundle. With a growl of determination, he moves quicker, but is hit from the side and brought down.
He rolls quickly to his feet and stands face to face with Ahu.
"Alaku. Adannu sube'u arhis...." (Go. Time rushes quickly....)
Wasu yelps and awakens quickly, bounding from the ancestral cave. His wounds have healed considerably thanks to Grand Dame, and he's been dreaming. Dreaming of salvation for his people. With a quick prayer to Inanna, he heads towards home; racing against time.

"I'm surprised you have not changed. Do the titans not avoid your wolf form?", Levi asks as he circles and eyes the man before him warily. Blood cascades down the side of his head, and his right eye is slightly puffed; slightly distorting the image.
Ahu has received an equal amount of damage, but gives him a toothy grin. "Sadly, no one can change in the sacred grove this night. At least until either your brat or Kia dies...." He feints at Levi, and then swoops in low as the man jumps back. "She knows. Do you not see the understanding on her face?"
Bodies lie strewn around the clearing. Both soldiers and her clan alike. So much pain, and so much death. She can see Levi and Ahu, grappling towards the center of the clearing. They roll in a heap, both gravely injured. A pack-mate, struggling in the grasp of a titan. Screams of pain and denial. She can change this. She knows this now.
"Alka eridu, damu. Sittu ina ina bit abame." (Come home, child. Rest in the house of elders)
"I understand.", she whispers. She looks up one last time at the man she loves, before raising her gaze to the blood-tinged moon.
"Levi! Me arammu sen!" (Levi, I love you)
She crumples in a protective heap over her wailing child, and knows no more. Ahu turns his grinning visage to Levi.
"Game on."
He's on the man in an instant, snarling and attacking with relentless tooth and claw.
Wasu had only entered the clearing when Kia breathed her last, and his resolve becomes ever firmer. Grief and anger fuel his charge, and he heads straight for Ahu; bowling the older wolf over and off of Levi. They circle each other warily.
"I challenge you for the right to lead."
Ahu chuckles at the smaller wolf, clearly not afraid.
"You?" With a snort of derision, he turns his back. Wasu pounces, clamping his teeth into Ahu's scruff. They go down in a heap, but both are up and circling again.
"I challenge you for the right to lead."
"So be it."

The entirety of the clearing stands silent and watching as they battle it out. Wasu, though smaller fights with brilliance; using his size to his advantage. Ahu's strength however, soon has him stumbling in pain and exhaustion. Levi takes the opportunity to make his way to Kia. Removing his cloak, he picks up the child lying with her and holds it close.
His eyes, her mouth and nose. His beautiful child, Kuchel.
"Should we not help?" Hanji asks, kneeling down beside him.
"No. This is Wasu's battle." He looks across the clearing to the battling wolves. "Come on, kid. You've got this."
He stumbles back, bleeding from countless wounds; but Ahu is not faring well either. Crouching low with his belly brushing the earth, he waits for the inevitable pounce.
He springs upward, clamping his teeth in Ahu's neck. As they both hit the ground, he clamps down harder; crushing Ahu's windpipe with a sickening crack. Ahu yips in pain and goes limp, and Wasu reverts to human form.
Raising his head to the sky, he shouts for all to hear. "From this day forth, we embrace the wolf. No longer shall we bear human form! Let it be so!"
"Let it be so.", his pack repeats as they transform one by one and exit the clearing with joyful howls. He turns to Levi then and sighs, placing his child-like hand on the man's shoulder.
"My people are free, and the curse no longer holds. I only wish I had gotten here sooner."
"I still would have lost her."
"But she would be alive. Give me the child Levi, she belongs to the pack." The gentleness in his eyes decides Levi, and he hands her over.
"Her name is Kuchel."
Wasu smiles. "A beautiful name. Peace be with you, Levi." He turns away then, and disappears through densely packed trees.
"Let's go home, Levi.", Hanji says as they turn away; and the clouds cover the moon.

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