-chapter 9-

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Kelini's perspective

i want to trust her and believe that she didn't cheat on him but for a instance i even dont think Noah played with her feelings what is wrong with my life why do i always get involved in things like this.

i should just forget about these things and should start taking care of Noah maybe she is the one who is lying..

cause i trust Noah more than myself, i guess i need to prepare soup for him.....

Author's perspective

she goes in prepares Noah his soup and takes it to his room,

Noah's perspective

i found myself sleeping in my room then i hear someone coming towards my room i thought it must be Amaya cause she always used to visit me whenever i used to be sick. i wanted to surprise and so i went and hugged her. saying that why she came back then i realised it wasn't Amaya it was Kelini she seemed upset when i took Amaya's Name

'hey how are you now babe' She said

i felt a little guilty about it

'y-yeah i am great' i said

'for sure right' she said

'yes yes-s ' i said

'by the way i met Amaya she wanted to talk to me' she said

my mood was down now

Kelini's perspective

when i meantioned Amaya's name he looked sad, 

'so why did that person come to talk to you did she bully you no i think she didn't cause she isn't that type of girl' He said

'no she didn't she came to ask me who i was'  i said

'what did you say' he said


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