Chapter 1

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*Talia's pov*

*FLASHBACK 6 months ago*

"Hey stranger!" I said getting out of the elevator walking in the big penthouse.

"About damn time! I almost finished one bottle already!" Tony whined making me roll my eyes.

"What would you do without me!" I smirked sitting down on the floor next to my best friend, well correction my only friend.

"So how was the date?" He smirked drinking champagne directly from the bottle.

"Urgh, horrible. The guy kept talking about my ass.." I said grabbing the bottle from his hand and putting it on my lips, drinking the bubbly liquor.

"To be fair, you do have a nice ass." He joked and I playfully smacked his shoulder.

"Anyways, how's Pepper? Haven't seen her in weeks!" I said looking at him.

"Business trip, Europe." He complained stealing the bottle away from me.

"Argh. That sucks. Needed her advice on something." I said pensively. "She always knows what to do.."

"Hey!" He nudged my shoulder, faking an hurtful look. "I always know what to do! Me, the genius remember?"

"Right, Mr.Genius." I joked.

"Ooh I almost forgot." He said getting up and walking over the counter. "I talked with the team.." he began and I looked at him funny.

"The team?"

"Yeah, you know, Avengers type thing.. anyways I proposed you'd join.. You already know most the team." He said looking at me warily. He knew it was a risky subject.

"Do you want me to throw you out the window?" I said looking up at him.

He was used to my menaces looking as he just ignored me completely, fully knowing I could really throw him out.

"Well they were all on board. You'll see you're gonna love it!" He said with his famous boyish grin, making me chuckle.

"And what if I don't want to?"

"Umm then I'll say pretty please?" He said with big puppy eyes.

"I kinda want to make you beg.." I laughed and he faked an offended look. "Okay, I'm in, I guess. I miss punching things anyway."

"Atta girl!" He said coming back to down sit next to me.

"What did you tell them about me exactly?" I said looking outside again, not wanting for the images from my past to come flooding back.

"Not much really, you were an assassin turned good and most of them already know about your past. And you met Wanda from the party a few months ago, Bucky well from.. you know, and Natasha too.. it'll be fiiiine." He said leaning back against the sofa.

*back to the present*

I tried to play this conversation back in my head, not wanting to be a part of the one going on right now.

"Tony! Why did you pair me up with her!" I cringed at the way he said 'her' and got up from the small couch.

"What is it Rogers you got a problem?" I bit back coming up in front of him.

He turned around to face me with a surprised look, he probably didn't know I was here.

"As a matter of fact I do. You." He said looking down at me from his 6"2.

"Do you want me to stab you?" I menaced and he only got closer to my face.

"Why don't you try huh?" He said looking in my eyes.

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