Ch. 1- The awakening

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Year- aprox. 2350 AD
The place- Galactic Protectorate Laboratory

The teal darken floors of the room had been only lit by the deafening colors of the experimental organisms living in tubes of radioactive colors.
The laten hours of the night and silence, being ended by a seemingly oblivious janitor puma, breaking a tube with the end of his broom while sweeping the floors.
The puma slowly turned around to find the webbing cracks of shattering glass behind him.
"Oh no-!", he revved his feet and began to run from the scene as to not trying to get caught for the blame.


The strapping Duck Dodgers, had been issued the duty of community service for the headed amount of casualties from his last job.
He was walking down the hallway from the office of Dr.I.Q, with the doctor and young cadet following behind.
It was then the three heard a loud crashing sound, and a frightened puma running from it.
The glow of the room began to highlight the hallway, and as I.Q and the young cadet stood in their tracks in shock, Dodgers casual curiosity found him walking into the room. The duck was greeted with loudest cry he ever heard.
"Where am I?!!", it called out.
Dodgers started to notice the tubes and remembered the familiarity of the room, this was where he had awakened all those years ago.
He waltzed his way to the figure that had screamed, coming to the visual of a grey razzled rabbit.
Dodgers silhouette covered the rabbit as he got close, confusing the rabbit by the sudden darkness. The rabbit turned around,"Huh?!"
Dodgers quirked an eyebrow,"Geez what the hecks wrong with you?"

The rabbit gave a comfortable confused look, as he was scared, but seeing a familiar figure had comforted him.
The familiar figure being, someone he could've met on earth, and not a weird alien like he was expecting.

Just then a dark silhouette covered the room entrance, it was Dr. IQ, turning on the laboratory's lights on, and walking in with a sigh.
"Hey, Ginger, your experiment's alive.", Dodgers greeted him with.
The red hair doctor made his way to the duck, already tired from this shenanigan, "Dodgers, please stop calling me that."
To put some insight, the rabbit was supposed to be awaked sometime this year, being watched and reviewed by the doctor and the young cadet.
And by the crashing sound, cadet could infer the situation happening as he began to the room, dripping in sweat,"Ehh- D-did i miss it?!!"

And for the sake of even more insight, before this debacle, Dodgers was scolded for being late to his ready call for hus hob this morning, which in turn had caused the said "casualties".

And as you can imagine, the duck's sass shined through,"And after that whole speech on punctuality, I got here first."

The rabbit overflowed with stress and wanted answers,"Can somebody PLEASE tell me what's happening?!! Who are you people?!"
The three became silent as for a second they had already for the awakened person, and was shocked to hear him so outright and loud.

The doctor coughed to break the silent tension," Err, oh," he looked at the name blame of the broken tube the rabbit had fallen out of, "Mr.Bunny... Do you remember anything before now?"
The rabbit pressed his cheek full of stress,"Not really.... But my head hurts...!"
Dodgers' snark got the best of him, looking to IQ with answers," Geez, was I like this??"
Leaving a dead-inside remark from the doctor,"No, you were worse."
The cadet made his way through the captain and doctor, helping the rabbit stand up,"ubbada- sorry about that-! What's your name?"
The rabbit had already given up on the fear he had and just accepted the situation as it was and decided to make the best of it,"eh... Bugs Bunny."
The cadet confusingly repeated the name back to him, as he wasn't sure if he was pronouncing it correctly.
"Yeah, but you can just call me Bugs." He gave a comfortable smile to the cadet, while having it returned with familiarity.
Dodgers confidently walked to the rabbit,"What kinda name is Bugs?"
The cadet laughed nervously,"ah, don't mind the captain he has an odd sense of humor haha"
Bugs quirked his eyebrow," Humor, huh?"
IQ proceeded his way to his experiment,"Mr. Bunny, you have just awakened from a very long nap. I'm need to run some health tests on you. Im sorry you woke up this way, but i need you to come with me."
Bugs nodded and followed the doctor out of the lab and into the hallway headed to the hospice.
Cadet stayed behind to give a light and embarrassed scolding to his captain.
"Ah- bah- dah-! Ahh-! That was so embarrassing! Why did you say that?!"
Dodgers lifted his arms," What?"

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