I Am Nickolas Lawson

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I wish I never met her.

I wish.

I wish.

I wish.

I wish.

I wish.

But no matter how many times I wish it just never seems to come true. I guess I'm just stuck with her. Forever. But no. I can't be. This isn't what she promised me. I can't do this I can't take it anymore. I just want to die.



I slowly looked up and the shattered glass mirror. I gasped sharply. What have I done. I quickly picked up the pieces of glass carefully. She was bound to be home any minute now. I had to hurry. I didn't want to be punished again for an accident. It has happened to many times but it just seems to never end. She hits me so hard. I don't know why shes so mad with me. She always says that's is my fault. Or if it weren't for me he wouldn't had left. I feel really bad I really do. But I just don't seem to remember doing anything wrong. I've always did my best to make her happy after our first miscarriage. But it just feels like she's not ever it even thought we were successful with getting a new baby after that one. She said the the first one was supposed to be the special one for her. She never explained why that one was so special though. Maybe it's just a her thing I guess.

By the way I almost forgot-

Hewo! My name is Nicholas Lawson and I am 27 years old! I am pan sexual and I got by he / they pronouns. Not too many people seem to give a shit about thoses things but I just do it for fun :). I'm trying to figure out my zodiac sign but I only get to use the internet once a month. And I always seem to forget about that. She mostly one let's Alexander use it because he's a teenager and he actually needs it. So I guess I can agree with that.

I cleaned up most of the mess I made for now. I was feeling hungry so I went to the kitchen for something to eat. But there was nothing inside.

"Hmmm that's kinda weri-".

I guess I could go shopping then. I left a little note for she and Alex and headed for the store. I didn't really look that pleasant due to all of my clothes being taken away. Only thing I had on was probably a oversized hoode. (That was hers) and a pair of black shorts with an opening at the back. (Also hers again)
I wish I had my own fucking clothes but she insisted that we only share clothes. In her way of saying it, "Too save money".

The grocery store is just a couple of blocks down from out house so I guess I could walk this time. I usually just get some guy to drive me there. But I'm not really in the mood for sex right now-

Grocery store is really nice though! It has 3 shitting floors!!!! That's like. Hevean or some for me. I just get the usual when I get there. A couple boxes of cereal, a bag of chips, soda, juice, milk, rice, and some other things to. I tried to get the water but it's to high. I always try and get it myself so I don't always have to ask someone. It's always embarrassing. Especially when you a guy and your



I didn't grow for shit.

It also make me look like a fool. Jumping up and down and grunting like a 5 year old. After my attempts I just give up after this point. I'm going to find someone. Oh and find some to- I can't pay for this shit.

I'm not that much of a whore. I'm just using my resources thats all. Like today , I was able to get a free ride home without carrying all them groceries by just riding some dudes dick. It makes things easier ya know :).

It took awhile to find someone though. There was a big crowd around some guy at the store. All the ladies practically chased him out the store after asking for autographs. He looked nice though. And very handsome! I wonder what the hype was about. Maybe he's some super star or something.  I don't really know.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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