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"From here on out, I don't want to see your disgusting face ever in my life again. You got that?" My now ex-bestfriend Daniel said as he took a step in his car.

"If that's what you want, then I'll respect your decision. I only have one thing to say."

His ebony brown eyes met mine. I hated how much they made my heart skip a beat. No one could ever make me feel the same way he did. But right now is not the time to be thinking about that. 

I clenched my fists. I knew what to say to hurt him deeply, but for some forsaken reason there was apart of me that was still holding on to...our friendship? 


Silence filled the void between us. He kept his glare on me. 

"I see your point but in all honesty, fuck you. Fuck you for ruining my life with your existence. " 

"Honey, the feelings mutual." I blurted out before covering my lips with my hand.

HONEY? What the fuck am I saying? Hell, what am I doing?

"Honey- what am I your husband? No thanks, I'd rather die than ever be in relationship with you."

"Is this what we've come down to?"

He sighed.

"You really think this a perfect time to make amends? You think that we can just talk this all out and we'll become buddies once we've finished? Typical Jon never wanting or owning up to his actions once faced with them."


He got out of his car and faced me. Droplets of rain fall on my head. 

"I don't want you to take this personally-"

The sound of lighting stroke and rain began pouring everywhere.

I gulped as he walked towards me.

"Shut the fuck up." 

He punched me in the face and I fell to the ground with not so light fall.

Tears came out of my eyes. Never had I thought he would get this angry or feel this much hatred towards me. 

I covered my face in fear of what he was going to do next.  

"Pathetic isn't it? I only punched you once and you're getting all emotional." 

He lifted me up by the hoodie I was wearing. 

"Get up, you're nothing but a weak coward." 

He let go and I fell on my knees. 

"I'm sor-" He grabbed a fistful of my hair to force me to look at him.

"I hate you." 

Only glance I saw of his eyes and that was enough to know there was no sympathy left in store for me. Maybe I should just accept my fate...'

I closed my eyes. I was waiting for Daniel to strike again but I was dropped and the last thing I heard was the sound of car speeding off. 

He spared me...but why?


The next day at school I arrived to my first class. I looked carefully through all the familiar faces of my classmates. Looks like he didn't show up. Phew...

I received stares from everyone as I made my way towards my seat.

To: Saige <3

What's going on? Everyone keeps staring at me like I'm a ghost.


New Message from Saige <3:

You mean you don't know?


Don't know what?

Saige <3:

It's best if I tell you in person.



My friend Saige made it over to where I was seated.

"What happened?" I whispered to her.

"Didn't you hear? Daniel's gone, he moved away. Yesterday was his last day."

That's when he left my life. Daniel Martinez, my first love was gone.

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