Chapter 1: Celebration

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"You're nothing but a weak coward."

"I hate you."

"I see your point but in all honesty, fuck you."

"I don't want to see your disgusting face ever in my life again."

"No thanks, I'd rather die than ever be in a relationship with you."

An endless play through of Daniel's words continuously repeat..

"STOP IT!" I screamed out loud.

This was never going to end.

"Uhh Jon are you okay?"


"Oh man this is going to hurt but to be fair I'm saving you the humiliation."

I immediately woke up with pain on my cheek. She slapped me-

"Damn that looked like it hurt." A familiar male voice spoke.

I looked at the other voice in the room.

Of course he had to be here...

Saige turns and gives him a hug.

"Hello...Dominic." I gritted through my teeth.

Dominic Lopez, a guy that I secretly hate and despise for certain reasons of course.

I got off the couch and stood up to shake his hand.


"How's the weather down there?"

See there's just one thing that you can easily tell when you see him in person. He's short. Like, damn I thought I was short but then I saw him and felt better.

"I don't know you tell me, how's the weather up there?"


"Jon would you please quit it with the short jokes?" Saige said before heading off to the kitchen.

"I invited you over to help out with decorations, not for you to insult his height."

She always took his side instead of mine. This was a reminder that she was closer to Dominic than with me. Which, I hated it. Dominic was in my way, and is one of the few obstacles in my life that prevented me from confessing my feeling towards Saige.

Why does she trust him so much? There's nothing special about him that screams trustworthy. Sure, he has freckles and I don't but- I'm a nice guy. The nicest guy in the world, what more could you ask?

"Are you gonna continue to stare at me or what? If you want to stare at your reflection there's the trash can."


I headed towards the kitchen.

"Okay but did you HAVE to invite HIM?"

"Can't you just get along just for today? That's all I'm asking..Afterwards you can go on your sharade of hating him for who knows why."

"Just for you..."

I watched as she prepped up some balloons before giving her a back hug.

"Happy Birthday."

"Oh um....Thank you Jon. Now...can you let go?"


So she's not a hugger.....


"Hey Saige can you come here for a second?" Dominic called out and stood near at the now decorated door entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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