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"Hello, mom!" You hugged her tightly. You forgot how bad she treated you after your father died. She blamed you for everything, but still.... You're being so kind.

You went to your little baby brother and patted his head.

"Heya, little bro!" You smiled brightly and your parents looked at u two in awe.

Your mother finished the food and placed it on the table. You all were eating happily and after eating you went outside for a bit. You told your parents that you're going to the wisteria's.

You were walking around enjoying this peace, but all of sudden you saw a green and black Haori.... They were back facing you, you didn't know who it is... So, you walked a bit further.

"Tanjiro..?" you mumbled and then he turned around to you and glared at you... You couldn't belive your eyes.... This is not real.

"You just left and forgot about us. Just what kind of friend are you?!" He yelled at you and your eyes widened. Everything felt so realistic, but now you know that something seems so off. Tanjiro would never say something like that to you.

Suddenly, he disappeared and you were shocked. You looked around to find him, but he was nowhere to be seen. You were running all around the forest until your father came to pick you up.

"Hey, Y/n, what are you looking for?" You father asked and you were only in panic.

"M-my friend! He has red hair and red eyes and his name is Tanjiro!" You told him, but he only smiled.

"Maybe you were just hallucinating. There are no other humans on this mountain. Or maybe it was your imaginary friend!" He explained and you got kinda mad.

"No, I'm not hallucinating and I really saw him!" You yelled your anger out at your father and he glared at you.

"Enough. Let's go home." He grabbed your wirst, but you didn't wanted to go.

"Please just let me find him!" You cried out, but he didn't listen.

"I said enough! You won't see him again!" Your father yelled. It's your first time seeing him being mad at you.. Just what's wrong.

When you two arrived, you saw something you never wanted to see. Your mother and your little brother were covered in blood and they were glaring at you.

"W-what.." Your eyes widened and your breathing hot heavier.

"It's all your fault..... It's all your fault.... Everything's your fault. Just why do you exist? You think you can come and go, huh? Oh no, you'll stay here forever and get tortured till death!" Your mother yelled and your father turned to you... Blood was coming out of his eyes and you watched them all in horror.

"W-what did I do..?" You asked, but your mother only slapped you.

"Your existence is the problem." Your father said... You wanted to stop this all, but how..?

"Now we'll make you suffer like you did to us!" Your mother took the axe next to your father's chair and swung it at you. You dodged this attack and quickly ran out of your house.

You were crying and felt like this all was a nightmare...

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