Reflecting (A Firebrand Chapter) (Reupload)

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((A/N: Idk why the fuck I wrote this, lmao.


Firebrand stared up at the ceiling, he seemed to be playing with his powers.

In human form.

Out of human form.

Several eyes opening on his body.

Several eyes closing on his body.

Light a fire.

Put the fire out.

He thought about his most recent encounter with Observer.

"How would your parents feel if they knew you were like this? I bet they'd be disappointed!"

His parents.

Man, he missed his parents.

His whole family, really.

How would they feel about this? Would they run?


Or would they be accepting?

Firebrand shook his head.

Accepting? In what world would a parent be accepting of whatever he was?

Especially when he wasn't sure what a "Rogue God" Was even supposed to be.

Sure, he knew he was a God, and had gone rogue, considering he'd broken quite a few rules.

Things were pretty fucked, from the Collective's stand point.

He laughed to himself, feeling a sense of pride.

He was proud he hadn't fallen for the Collective's bullshit, but then again, the only reason he was free from the Collective was because of HABIT.


HABIT was...Weird.

He still did some fucked up shit.

Okay, some very fucked up shit. But he'd still freed Firebrand, and he still did things for Firebrand that he was eternally grateful for.

Firebrand tried to make him stop murdering and to change his ways years ago, but failed every time.

That was when they were just getting to know each other.

It'd been so many years now, so much time had passed.

Now, he couldn't care less what HABIT did in his spare time.

He'd seen a lot of dead bodies while living with HABIT.

Yes, they lived together.

HABIT told him he could stay with him until he could get back on his feet, but over time, it seemed like they just developed a bond and Firebrand never moved out.

At least, that was how Firebrand saw it. If HABIT saw it any other way, then he was probably fucked.

But so much time had passed with HABIT not saying much of anything, in that regard, that he truly doubted he cared.

That was the thing about HABIT, he seemed so heartless, so awful. Yet, he seemed to have a small fraction of a heart for the God.

A very small fraction.

See, Firebrand wasn't stupid. He knew he couldn't do anything irresponsible.

He might've been immortal, but he still wouldn't look forward to it if he had to live on the streets again.

That was Hell.

If he did anything too terribly stupid, HABIT could easily kick him out.

He was unpredictable, after all.

That being said, living with him seemed to make Firebrand desensitized when he knew HABIT was torturing his victims.

At first, it bothered him.

Made him cry.

But now...Now, as he lay there, hearing the screams of a girl he'd never met, he could only describe what he was feeling was numbness.

Or maybe it was the fact that being a God seemed to make his emotions, in general, very different from those around him, over time.

He heard HABIT walk down the attic's steps and the door closing behind him.

His footsteps could be heard down the hall, as he stopped at the entity's door and grinned at him, covered in blood.

"Hey there." Was all Firebrand said, as HABIT snickered and walked off.

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