Done with you

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Espresso looked out the window, bright sunlight was beaming on him, he was lying on the couch refusing to go to his room, he stayed awake all night looking at his phone, he turned his head when he saw madeleine walking over to make some food. "morning." madeleine said, espresso said nothing looking back at his phone. "I'm going out" madeleine said "whatever." replied espresso. Madeleine walked outside it was a cold chill day the cookies were just doing the usaule madeleine saw pure vanilla, hollyberry, and sea fairy cleaning up the mess madeleine walked over to them. "Hey sea fairy" madeleine said, "hello madeleine, how are you?" sea fairy said, "not so good, espresso thinks its my fault that the fireworks exploded." madeleine said. "Well you can tell espresso this, it had nothing to do with the fireworks someone sabotaged it ." sea fairy said. "Wait really?! Ill go tell espresso now!" madeleine said with excitement... "ESPRESSO, ESPRESSO" madeleine yelled. "What do you WANT" espresso said, madeleine then said "i need to tell you something! Its not my fault that the fireworks exploited! It was s-" "SHUT UP! Stop trying to defend yourself!" espresso said. "But-" madeleine said, "NO i'm don't with you!." "i'm sorry madeleine but i can't be dating someone who lies to protect themself, this is over i'm moving out." espresso said. "Espresso please no!" madeleine said "goodbye madeleine." espresso then slamming the door.           

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