The end for us.

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Espresso was sitting at the coutch of his new house, thinking. 'Maybe it was wrong of me to break up with madeleine, maybe I should have let him explain..' "No, I'm being foolish! His fault for trying to blame it on something else!" espresso said. Knock knock "latte? Is that you? If it is come in" espresso said. "What a lovely place you have brother!" latte said. "Huh-! You look like a mess! You look live you haven left that couch in weeks!" latte said. "I really don't care latte, that's for the compliment on the house tho i tried to make is my best with no other things wrong with it" espresso said. "Well, you're quite the perfectionist!" latte said laughing. "Yea, now what did you come in here for?" espresso said. "No reason, just wanted to see how you were doing!" latte said. "I'm doing fine." "that's wonderful, but a quick question, have you heard of madeleine in a couple of days?" latte asked. "No why the hell would madeleine call me we broke up if anything he blocked me, why are you asking?" espresso said, "well the thing is, ever since we went to the dark tower madeleine hasn't come out of his house" latte said. Espresso noticed a worried tone in lattes voice. "Madeleine could just be sleeping i mean its the dark town after all." espresso said not worried at all. "Yes but, its been a few days he usually is always roaming around the kingdom.." latte said. "So what do you want me to do call him? Yea that will go very swell don't you think?" espresso said annoyed. "Madeleine didnt want to break up with you..maybe you should let him talk?" latte said. "I'm going out, by latte." espresso then walked out the door annoyed. Espresso walked around outside for a while until she saw pure vanilla coming towards him. "Hello espresso, how is your day?" pure vanilla asked. "Its fine, i guess" espresso said. "Well there is something i need to tell you, i heard you broke up with madeleine am i correct?" pure vanilla asked. "Yes i did why?" espresso asked. "Well, it was because if the fireworks wasnt it?" pure vanilla said. "Yes, its his fault all those cookies got hurt that night." express said annoyed again. "Well, no it wasnt espresso." "what do you mean-" espresso asked. "Well we found out that it wasnt the fireworks at all, someone sabotaged the box, making it explode." pure vanilla said. "Wait, WHAT? Madeleine had nothing to do with the explosion at all?!" espresso said surprised. "Yes he didn't do anything, i suggest you go apolog-" espresso then ran off as fast as he could to madeleine's house. Knock knock "madeleine? Are you home?" Espresso said slowly, opening the door, The house was completely silent. "Madeleine..madeleine?" espresso walked up the stairs, 'maybe he is in his room' espresso thought to himself. "Madeleine?" espresso then opened his bedroom door. "madeleine....MADELEINE!" "NO NO NO MADELEINE!" "WAKE UP PLEASE" espresso yelled crying, "i'm alive...espr...esso" madeleine said weakly. "Madeleine! Please stay with me! Ill get a healer you will be alright!" espresso said. "No..there is no point espres..i'm going to...die" "NO you're NOT PLEASE" espresso crying hysterically. "Espresso...." "yea?" "promise me one thing.." Madeleine coughed. "What is it.." espresso said. "Don't try to kill yourself...that shit hurts..." . . . "madeleine.. MADELEINE! PLEASE SPEAK TO ME MADELEINE! PLEASE WAKE UP TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING..NO MADELEINE!


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