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All the stories were the same. Your life was about to end, all your memories returned to you. That subliminal moment.

Yeah, that wasn't happening here. It was just you, this man, and the spear flying in your direction. It felt as if it was in slow motion. You couldn't move nor breathe. Your senses had already given in to your body. You couldn't hear the screams of others, the prayers of this man. You couldn't taste your dry tongue, your saliva, the blood and sweat that had sickeningly made its way onto your lips. You couldn't smell the metallic scent of blood, nor the thick, musty air. You couldn't feel anything. The ground, the bloodstains on your skin and clothes. The hard support beam of the bed you leaned against. Your own heartbeat. You hoped it wouldn't end this way, but you decided that it was just how things would have to be. You were always unlucky. Perhaps you'd meet your father in the afterlife. Or not. Perhaps you'd burn in Hell for your stubbornness. Your awful debt. The people you've hurt to try and pay it. The people you've hurt to get this far. You were God's worst mistake.
Maybe in your next life, you'd try harder. Maybe then you would live a fucking life.

You couldn't think about your family, nor your happiest moments in life. Not even the worst moments. You only thought of what awaited you after this. You only sat and stared at the spectacle beyond, yet were unable to comprehend what was going on. You were gone. You had accepted your fate. How fucked this life was.


What a world.

Hi, thanks for reading this fic! I truly enjoyed the support I received from all of my darling readers. I'm afraid this is goodbye, but do look forward to other fics!

Or not.



But what was this?



A groan and a drop to the ground caused you to go from staring off absentmindedly to trailing your eyes up a pair of legs. Then a torso. Then a face. The flash of light had given it away to be none other than Ali, who grasped a large beam in his hands, huffing. You felt your senses return. You could hear only his voice, see only his face. Smell only his scent.
Dropping his large weapon, Ali rushed over, dropping to his knees before you as he tightly grasped your arms, eyes flooded with concern and relief. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing could come out in the form of words, for he found that no possible statement in the entire Korean language could express how he felt. Before you knew it, you were engulfed in a tight hug, Ali sobbing quietly into your shoulder as he tightly grasped at you.
You could feel his warm breath, how his chest heaved, out of breath. Hear his quiet sobs. Feel his tears stain your shoulder. Hesitantly, you lifted your arms from your legs and almost considered embracing him back. Your hands violently shook. It wasn't fair. He didn't have to do this to you. He was torturing you. Why did he do this to you? It was painful. Excruciating. So many what ifs played at you. What if one of you died here? What if you couldn't stop loving him once you started? What if he left you?

What if?

"Y/N... I..."

Please don't.

𝙄 𝙒𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙆𝙄𝙎𝙎 𝙔𝙊𝙐 ♡ 𝙖𝙡𝙞 𝙖𝙗𝙙𝙪𝙡Where stories live. Discover now