TikTok trend || Katsuki Bakugou

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You were on patrol with your boyfriend when you decided to be a tease. You had been watching TikTok before you were sent on patrol and saw a trend where you see your partners reactions to you moaning in their ears. There hadn't been any villains spotted in the last hour of patrol so you decided to try it on Katsuki. You stopped walking in order for him to catch up. You walked over to him once he was closer and moaned in his ear while walking. He immediately stopped and brought you into an alleyway."Now Teddybear. We've had a very good week, do you really want to end it with a punishment?" He growled in your ear and in response you moaned in his ear again and grind up against him. "You're fucking lucky that I don't just tear off your costume and fuck you right here right now, but instead. I had a feeling you might try something like this, so I brought our little... toy along with me this morning. How about we run back to the agency and put it in?" It wasn't a question, more like a demand. "Please Katsuki, we're on patrol." He rolls his eyes. "You're pathetic. Think this shit through first next time."

By the time you two get back to the agency, you're terrified. They toy has ten levels, smallest vibration to largest obviously. When you get there he grabs the thing from his locker and shove you into a bathroom stall with him. "Pants." You shove your leggings down and he shoves the toy inside you so that its touching your most sensitive spot. You moan as you stand up feeling it rub against the sensitive nerves. As soon as the two of you leave the locker room he turns the device to level two. You whimper as you walk out. "Kat please." You whine, he just smirks and shakes his head. By the end of the shift you had been through at least four orgasms, lost count after that. So you were overstimulated as hell.

He shut the vibrator off when you changed and until you got in the car. "Have you learned your lesson?" You nod, shake, and almost scream as he turns it back on to 10. "Katsuki please." When you get home he opens the door and carries you in. He sets you on the couch and goes to make supper. "Katsuki?" You walk into the kitchen and look at his sweats. "Babe, how long have you been hard?" He shrugs. "Don't know. Sometime after your fourth orgasm." You stand there in shocked because that had to have been like half an hour ago. "Go lay on the couch, I want to give you a treat." Katsuki shuts the stove off and goes to lay down on the couch. When you walk back into the living room he's sitting there staring at his phone. You pull down his clothing and take your pants off. "(Y/N) stop. You're too overstimulated." You shake your head no. "I got to cum, so now do you." You dig the vibrator out of yourself and set yourself on his dick. "Fuck..." You start moving on his dick and he thrust up. You jolt from his movement and move faster. He moves his hands to your hips and helps you move even faster so now your going faster and he's moving too. You can tell he's close when he closes his eyes and stops watching his dick go into you over and over again. "Fuck... cumming." You feel his cum shoot into you as you keep moving, cumming yourself too.

It's not much but here.

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