Please, Just Accept My Friendship!

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Killua ran his fingers through his hair, laying on his bed. Thinking about the boy he had met. It's weird he makes Killua so mad but also happy? The weirdest part is that they just met. Killua tried hard to remember the boys name. Squinting his eyes he remembered what a woman called to the boy.


"Gon!" The woman yelled at the sleeping male. "GON!" The boy sat up and off the window, yawning. "Table fours order is ready, go bring it to them," The woman reminded reminded. The boy nodded and went to the back of the kitchen the get the people's order.


So his names Gon? Killua mentally asked himself. "What if I..," Killua asked himself. He pulled out his phone and searched the name 'Gon' on Instagram. "Yeah, what kind of loser doesn't have any social media?" Killua asked. I'll just check every social media I have to see if he has any. Killua paused realizing how he sounds like a psycho stalker. Killua rolled his eyes and looked through all the profiles and not a single one looked anything like Gon. He then checked Tiktok and then lastly, Twitter. To his surprise, Gon had one. Killua was about to press 'Follow' until he stopped to think. "Will he think I'm weird? God.. I hope not," Killua said to himself, pressing Follow. Waiting for Gon to follow him back.


Gon finished cleaning up the shop and waved goodbye to Bisky. He left for his home, checking his phone. He saw a notification from Twitter. He opened it and nearly dropped his phone when he saw what it was. Killua Zoldyck followed him. He immediately followed back. Gon let out a sigh and went up the stairs to his apartment, 207. He went in and checked his phone to see a message from someone on Twitter. He saw it was Killua and immediately read the message.


Killua: Hey.

Gon<3: Hi! Uhm, what made you want to text and follow me?

Killua: No reason.

Gon<3: Oh, okay! Sorry for asking.

Killua: No need to apologize & why r u being so formal?

Gon<3: Because you're a literal celebrity!

Killua: Yeah? Well this literal celebrity wants to be your friend.


Friend? Gon thought, he smiled. He was glad someone wanted to be friends with him. And it doesn't hurt that this someone is a celebrity. No, not at all.


Gon<3 is typing

Gon<3: Wow! I'm glad then :)

Killua: As you should. I'm fucking famous.

Gon<3: I know 😅

Killua: Sorry that was mean.

Gon<3: No, it's alright.

Killua: Didn't I say quit the formality?

Gon<3: Sorry!

Killua: It's fine.

Gon<3: Okay!

Killua: Do you have Snapchat?

Killua: Nevermind that's a weird question.

Gon<3: No its fine. I do have snap

Killua: What is it?

Gon<3 is typing

Gon<3: gonn_thefreaks

Killua: Okay.

New Notification!
Killucat added you as a friend on Snapchat


Gons hand got shaky. Why is Killua doing all of this? Nonetheless, Gon accepted the request, hesitantly. Killua immediately started typing to Gon.


Killucat is typing

Killucat: Hey!

Gon❤️: Hi!

Killucat: So, when's your shift tomorrow?

Gon❤️: Oh I'm sorry I don't work tomorrow, it's a Sunday. The shops closed which you would know if

Killucat: If what?

Gon❤️: If you had looked at our sign that says what days we're open.

Killucat: oh yeah

Killucat: Then where do you live.


Gon choked oh air at Killua's text. Killua sounded like an actual psychopath. Gon looked down at his phone and responded.


Gon❤️: Huh!?

Killucat: Your address?

Gon❤️: Why?

Killucat: So we can hangout?

Gon❤️: Okay sure it's daylight apartments on 9181 street apartment number 207.

Killucat: Okay see u tomorrow.


Killucat: You agreed by telling me your address. See you tomorrow.

(And with that his chapter ends, I'm gonna start writing the next chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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