~ joseph x reader ~

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authors note:
Just wanted to write some joseph fluff! If any of y'all have any requests let me know! :>


You woke up to the sun shining in your face. It was close to noon, you and your boyfriend wouldn't be working today. You looked over at him.
Josephs arms were draped around you as he slept peacefully.
You ran your fingers through his soft hair, taking in his features that made you fall for him.
He began mumbling in his sleep. You stifled a laugh at his unintelligible words.

You placed your hands on the sides of his face, being careful not to wake him up. Tracing his cheekbones and jawline, you watched his eyes flutter open.

So much for not waking him up.

Joseph hugged you tighter, you rested your head on his chest.

"Good morning, beautiful." He lazily said.

"Morning." you nuzzled into his neck.

He placed a kiss on top of your forehead.

"Do we have any plans today?" He asked.
You shrugged.

"I just want to stay with you." You answered, pulling him closer.
He smiled.

"That was too cheesy Y/N."

"Hmm well it's true."

Joseph removed the covers from on top of you two and got out of bed, you shivered, pulling the blanket over you again.

"Ah, no time to sleep in." He pulled the blanket off of you.

"Come on, Y/N." He grabbed you by the waist and hoisted you over his shoulder. You forgot how strong he was.

"Let me down!!" You kicked at him.

"Hmpf." Joseph set you down on the bed. "Lift your arms up."

"Wha- why?"

"Because I'm gonna help you get dressed."

You blushed. You understood his reasoning though, he obviously wanted to go somewhere and you didn't.

You lifted your arms up and he helped you change into a new shirt. You slid on some pants as he changed too.

Swiftly you and Joseph put on some shoes and slipped on some coats as he dragged you out of the house and into the car.

"Jojo where are we going?" You asked, buckling your seatbelt.

"You'll see." He answered.

Soon you were pulling into the downtown area. Joseph got the door for you and helped you out.

"What a gentlemen. Why are you doing all this? There must be something you want." You teased.

"Hm, nope." He said, taking your hand. "Unless.."

"Unless what?" You asked.

He smirked and winked at you. You let go of his hand, scoffing and pushing him away. You walked a pace faster than him.

"Come on, I'm kidding!" He said, catching up with you.
He laughed. "Why are you walking faster, you don't even know where we're going!"
You glared at your boyfriend.
"You know you love me." He said, wrapping an arm around you.
You shook your head, laughing a bit.

"Then tell me where we're going, loverboy."

"We're already here."

You looked at the building in front of you. It was your favorite coffee shop!

"Aw, jojo!" You said hugging him. "How'd you know I've been wanting some?"
He winked at you again and led you inside.


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