~ kakyoin x reader (PART TWO) ~

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authors note:
part two is finally up!! hope you enjoy! :)


You looked at the time on the corner of your screen and realized how late, or in this case, early it was. It was already going to be four in the morning. You hung up the call with Kakyoin to let him get some sleep.
School was going to start at seven, and you had to get ready in a couple of hours, so you decided to just make it an all-nighter.

Laying your head on your desk you thought about the sweet gesture Kakyoin had done for you.
He remembered the small detail of you liking the poppies.

He even added a heart next to your name.

Lately he had been dropping little hints like that towards you. He always remembered little details about you, or offered you your favorite dessert when the school cafeteria was selling it. His sweet gestures made you fall for him even more.

You figured you'd give a note to him the next day, telling him how you felt.

Quickly you grabbed a pen and paper and got to writing.



Your classes seemed to drag even more the next day. You were going to give Kakyoin the note at the end of art class, since you two had the period together.

You stopped taking notes on your teachers lecture and looked over at Kakyoin at the other side of the room. His eyes were focused on his paper as he took notes, his cherry red curl hiding half his face.

You sighed as you looked at him. It was funny how he was able to look perfect no matter what he was doing.

You began to fumble through your backpack, looking for your note to Kakyoin as you noticed that class was about to end and the other students were packing up.

This was it. You were finally gonna do it.

The bell rang, Kakyoin swung his backpack over his shoulders and made his way to you as he always did at the end of this class.

"You seemed pretty deep in thought today." He told you. "You get any of the notes down?"

Normally you would give a witty remark in response, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it this time. Instead you shyly held your hands out, giving your card to Kakyoin.

"Uhm. This is for you." you told him.

He seemed taken aback but he accepted the letter.

Flustered you ran out of the building and to your next class.


The rest of the day you avoided Kakyoin. You were starting to feel embarrassed about the letter.

What if he doesn't actually like me?

What if he thinks it's cheesy?

What if he doesn't even read it?

The thoughts in your head wouldn't stop.
You packed your lunch up, not bothering to finish it and began to make your way to your next class, when you were interrupted by running into a tall boy.

It was Kakyoin.

"Ah sorry, didn't see you there, I better get going-" you tried to cover up.

"Y/N-" Kakyoin started.

You ignored him and tried to make your way around him.

He gently placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Y/N." He said again.

You sighed, turned around facing him, and looked away.

"Kakyoin, if it's about the note, please just forget it." You told him.

There was a small silence.

"How could I though?" He asked. "It's impossible for me to forget the one I've been in love with feels the same way."

You stood still, in denial of what you were hearing.

"Please don't do that." You said. "Don't give me hope."


"Please look at me, Y/N."

You continued to stand still, looking away from Kakyoin.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, his other turning your head to face him.

"Do you want me to prove myself?"

You blushed, unsure of what he meant.


He looked into your eyes and tilted his head.

You stared into his lilac eyes.

He leaned in, never breaking eye contact.

"Is this okay?" He whispered.

You nodded, heart beating faster by the second.

He slowly closed the distance between your lips, kissing you slow and soft.

You two pulled apart, you looked away again red faced.

Kakyoin chuckled and pulled you close to him.

"I love you, Y/N." He said. "And I mean it."

You smiled, resting your hands on his chest.

"I love you, Kakyoin."

yO this was pretty short and could be better but eh, this is as good as it's gonna get for now lol

Drink some water and have a great day!! ❤️

♡ jojo oneshots & preferences ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora