chapter 17

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As i walk into our room i groan lowly, Louis exactly how i asked him to be, ass up, panties on. I slowly undo my belt and walk over to him.
"Such a good boy for my darling, always listen so well." i say genty and he whimpers, and take his wrists gently in my grasp and wrap my belt around his wrist tightening it harshly and he whimpers and tries to rut his hips against the sheets.
"Nuh uh, Daring you know better now dont you." I growl into his ear huskily as i pull him harshly to my chest by his wrists and he arches his back against it.
"i-im so-sorry sir." He whimpers out and i hush him with a kiss to the temple.
"I know Darling its okay." i breath into his ear. And rub my hands up and down his sides.
"Louis, I need to know how far you want to go tonight." I say lowly and turn his face to me and he looked in thought before looking into my eyes.
"im- I think. no I know, I want to try and get to floaty..if thats okay with you?" He says softly and quickly finished looking down flushing.
"No no, none of that sweets, this is about what you want, and if you want that then thats fine darling" I say softly in his ear kissing his neck and taking his chin in my fingers firmly tilting his head towards me. he nods and moans out softly.
"Now sweetheart, before we go any farther, we need to go over whats gonna happen. Alright?" I ask him. he nods.
"Good boy darling. Do you know what your safe word is?" He nods."Tell me Hun, or we aren't going any further."I spoke gently.
"R-red. is when i cant take anymore and ive hit my limit Hazza. green is im perfect. Yellow is things need to slow down. Purple is i need to take a break, a breather, then i can continue but im not at red, but very very close." He spoke quietly and looking me in the eyes the entire time. I nod.
"Perfect darling, now what if for some obscure reason, i dont listen, or you arent able to speak, what then love?" I ask him softly.
"I pinch you as hard as i can wherever i can reach and if that doesnt work scream and kick." he says even quieter and i sigh and kiss his forehead, i know that since we began this that this was a touchy thing to do.
"Your soo perfect baby, so proud of you darling." I tell him softly and he tried to look down and i growl lowly tightening my fingers. He looks up again and his eyes show the unsaid apology and i nod slightly in forgiveness. He tilts his head a little more begging for a kiss, i obey and lean down to give him a gently kiss against his soft plump lips rubbing his side with my hand not holding him still.
"Now darling once i let go of you we will begin got it?." I ask him softly and he nods and i give him one final kiss before dropping him back to the bed.

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