VERY VERY VERY important authors note

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Hey, i do  realize that ive been a pretty sucky updater and everything and i apologize immensely, and it got brought to my attention, that i guess, the "Quality of my writing" has gone down as the story has progressed, and, im confused as to what that means exactly, im putting the same amount of effort, if not more and ive been trying to make it detailed, but not too to detailed because out of personal experience if theres too many details i get lost and bored.....but if you guys have any suggestions please tell me, and i know alot of you are after me to get a beta, and heres the thing, i do have please stop telling me i need one and that i should get one becuase there alot of errors, ad yes in my first couple chapters there ALOT of errors.....and my excuse for that is that 1) i didnt have a beta at the time, 2) it was done on a phone. and 3) my life has been very very very hectic these past couple of years, and i know thats no excuse but....its what has been happening, i try to get my writing in as much as possible and i really dont want to delete this or put it on haitus or aything, and ive been getting plenty of hate messages and such about this and my other stories, and im sorry i disappointed you guys and everything, its just, lately ive been in and out of the hospital, and i hae dr. appointments just about everyday, and i know you guys dont really care about all that i just felt the need to tell you guys that because i dont want you to think that i have been just ignoring this and everything. It also breaks my heart when i only get like 10 votes on a chapter when i use to get 80+ before i got sick and everything, i feel like i let you guys down and you guys are done with me and these stories and that hurts more than any iv/testing that ive ever done. I dont want to continue if no ones liking this and i just need those comments and votes, just to tell me what i am doing wrong, what im doing right and to show me you guys still care as much as i do, becuase i wont have any inspiration at ll and if you guys dont, and i really dont want to stop these stories because these are the only thing i can look forward to and have been there for me, through this hellish life i have.....

Im really sorry for this authors note, truly i am but it needed to be done and said, and i dont want to come off as a bitch or anything, just, i cant do this anymore without you guys....if i get feedback back, by tomorrow night, then i ill post the next couple chapters, which have already been written adn beta'd three times....just...i need to know you guys are still here....

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