Chapter 5

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First, hi how are you ? I hope you're well. Happy new year !! I hope your year is already starting out great and will continue to do so.
Second, I never break a promise. So here I am. I know I took a long break and for that I do apologize, because I know how annoying it is to start reading a book for it to just not be finished. I know now shush.
However, to whoever wants to know why, well I grew. I took some time off from both writing and this app (a bit but I didn't last long as it's addicting) to grow mentally. I'm in such a great place as of today (wasn't a week ago but let's not talk about that), I'm starting a new chapter in life and I can't wait to see how it goes. Now, my writing style may have changed but the story line and ideas I have for it won't change much. Or at least I hope they won't, I don't really know I never wrote them done so it's kind of foggy up there.
Anyway enjoy this short chapter.
Okay bye love ya. Now go read.

"JAKE !"

"Yes ?" he yelled back.


Confused he thought that his wife was talking about the guards or something
"they're coming ? who-"

He rushed into their bedroom and found his wife barely able to stand with water running down her legs.

"The babies honey !"

So that was what all the yelling was about.

"JAKE!" his wife yelled again snapping him out of his daze.

"Yes yes right the babies"

Helping his wife walk, or waddle more than anything, they rushed to the medical part of the Ark, all while Abby was yelling bloody murder. Oh how he wished he could be deaf for just a second to let his ears stop ringing. Unfortunately for him, he's not allowed to be complaining as he's not the one who's going to be pushing out two watermelon sized babies out of his body.

The couple eventually got the Med Bay with two doctors rushing to their aid once they saw what all the ruckus was about.

Now, there was another problem at hand. The twins. You might be wondering why it was odd to give birth to twins on the Ark, since it's not anything out of the ordinary for a human to birth more than one child in a sitting. To spare you from all the medical and scientific explanations, let's just say that because of the radiation emitted through the glass into the Ark it was almost near impossible for a woman to be pregnant with more than one. Got it ? No ? Don't look too deep into it. The point is, it was odd and again near impossible. Of course Abby had to be the 0.001% chance, because where would be the fun in that ? Isn't great to have to decide which child to float ?

That's sarcasm by the way.

Also, it's actually maybe overthinking. The thing is, as this has never happened before and it had been said that it wouldn't, there wasn't really any law regarding twins. Two children with 9 months apart ? Yes. Two children with just a few minutes apart ? Not really no.

Now back to Abby. Let's start with the fact that Jake might not be able to use his hand again with how hard his wife is squeezing it. But again, he's not the one giving labor so it's not his place nor time to complain about anything. He didn't think he would ever again either. Seeing how much his wife was suffering on that bed made him realize how grateful he was that he'd never have to be worried about being pregnant nor would he ever think stubbing his toe was the worst pain ever. It now came in second place.

With Abby trying to give —shout — directions, all the while giving birth, to the doctors in charge, they didn't have time to pay attention to the fact that Abby and Jake Griffin were going to have two children.


It was as if a giant explosion had occurred and there was this little silence between the impact and the sound. Yet the sound never came. Abby had gone through the impact of giving life, yes there was shouting but now, now everything seemed oh so calm.

Why weren't the babies crying ?

Oh never mind they all just had a ringing in their ears. Once said ringing faded out the world came back to focus. The babies were indeed crying. That would be the only time they would ever be relieved to hear a baby cry, or in this case two.

As the doctors finished cleaning everything up, weighing the babies and laying them gently on Abby's chest, both new parents still could not fathom the fact that, that's it. They were now parents. Parents to two tiny human beings who already had their heartstrings wrapped around their tiny little fingers.

Abby and Jake Griffin, parents to Clarke and Finn Griffin. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it ?

"Welcome to this crazy but oh so wonderful world little ones. You have a life full of adventures ahead of you, waiting right outside of this room."

What Abby didn't know was that their life would turn out to be filled with more adventures and stories than she or anyone could have ever anticipated.

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