Merlin x Braith - Holy Grail

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Universe: Modern
POV: 1st, Braith's
Rating: PG
Category: Party


"Hey, come on in," I invited him into my house, enthusiasm raising the pitch of my voice. Tonight was an annual gathering that we'd been celebrating for practically forever - Arthur's birthday. Every year, Arthur, Gwen, Merlin, the Knights, and I would all come to someone's house for a movie. This year, it was my place.

Merlin stepped inside, politely shaking off his umbrella on the doorstep before entering. He was always so conscious of such things, and personally I thought it was sweet. The Knights, in contrast, had left my front hall soaking wet and filthy. Not that I was much better, of course.

"Aaaaayyyy, you're late!" the loud Gwaine skidded down the hall towards us with the others in tow.

"Yeah, everyone else is already here. you probably noticed," I said, laughing at the sudden pile up of men in my mudroom. "Shoo, get a move on!" I shoved them back towards the dark living room. Merlin followed me, smiling at seeing everyone again. I haven't seen much if him lately, and nor has anyone else. Strange.

After grabbing various refreshments from the kitchen, we all took our seats on the couch. Arthur and Gwen were already there, cuddling in a corner. Gosh, they made a really cute couple. I was almost jealous. Was I jealous? I didn't have a crush on Arthur. No.

"So what flick is it this time?" the birthday boy asked cordially. Gwen and I giggled, for we both knew about the choice.

I hopped up proudly to retrieve the disk from the mantle. "Lady and gentlemen, I present to you..." my gestures were wide and theatric. "...Monty Python and the Holy Grail!"

Everyone oohed and ahhed, except for Merlin, who just burst out laughing. I guess he'd seen it before. I slid it into the player, and went to take a seat, only to realize that my sofa isn't big enough for everyone. The four knights and the cute couple take up all the room, even with Gwen practically in Arthur's lap. The young warlock sat sprawled on the carpet in front of the couch, with a big bowl of popcorn between his legs. I moved the bowl and sat down where it used to be, laying back on him.

I didn't even know why I did it. Random impulse, I suppose. The breath caught in his throat, and he sat up a little bit. He relaxed after a frozen second of awkwardness, and as the comedy began, I rested my head on his chest. I felt his arms sneak around my waist, resting over my belly.

Gwen gave a sideways smirk at me, and flashed a thumbs up. You can tell we're good friends.

As the absolute silliness that was Monty Python played before us, we all laughed. How wrong they'd managed to get it. Ours was a story of magic, majesty and evil, but this was a mad gallivant of shrubburries and crazy Frenchmen. Still, I deeply enjoyed the sensation of Merlin's laughter. The alive-ness of his breathing, and the joy in each spastic giggle.

"This is nice," I said to him quietly. His arms tightened ever so slightly.

" is," he said softly, as if the thought really surprised him. I turned my head to look up at him. His wonderful cerulean gaze met mine, a small smile playing across his lips.

And I knew. I knew why I felt jealous of Gwen and Arthur - I wanted what they had had for so, so long. To love, and be loved in return. And not just by anyone either. I wanted Merlin.

My hand came up, fingertips stroking over the youthful features of his face. He cupped his own hand over mine, laughing softly. A wonderful sound.

Our lips brushed together, for just a second. I couldn't believe it, and, amazingly, neither could he. Quickly, as if we were worried it was a dream, our mouths met again. We forgot about all the world except for each other.

He tasted like apple cider.

Little did I know, Gwen stole a glance at us, and nearly squealed with joy, pleased that her "ship" was sailing. She had to put a hand over her mouth to keep from giggling too much. Arthur looked over a second later, and didn't bother restraining his laughter.

I didn't care about anything just then -except for letting Merlin know that he was what I'd been questing for my whole life. My piece of the treasure.

My Holy Grail.

A/N: Yay, so that was the sample one. Bit fluffy at the end, I know. But this is about how long they will be, maybe longer. Hope you liked it!

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