Merlin x Kcourt - Gone

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Universe: Canon
POV: 1st, Merlin's
Rating: PG
Category: Catastrophes


We all heard the warning bells that night - its just that no one was fast enough to prevent what unfolded. Out the window in the corridor I barely caught a glimpse of Morgana's thugs riding out the gate. The guards were dead, and the men were getting away. Panic started to knot up in my chest when I noticed one had another figure on their horse.

I shoved through the tall oaken doors of the great hall, not caring that I was still in my nightclothes. Arthur and the knights were already there, discussing the various damages. They stopped speaking when I burst in. Gwaine and Percival had red marks across their necks like they'd been throttled. I recognized it as the work of a binding spell - no doubt it was Morgana who did this.

"Where is she? Where is Kendall?" I demanded, my voice cracking with desperation. In the heat of the moment, I really didn't care if they knew who I was thinking of. The girl was only a peasant from the lower town, but the moment I saw We've only met a few times before, but every time I saw her in the hallways, I felt so ridiculosly, head over heels in love. She'll just give me a polite smile, and look down as she walks along. I haven't gotten up the courage to tell her how I feel.

I've faced armies, and dragons, and griffins and all sorts of monsters, but talking to a girl? Hold your horses.

"Merlin..." Arthur's voice was kind, and low with sorrow. It was easy to tell by the way he said it that it was indeed Kendall who'd been taken. I could feel the hysteria rising in my throat, the hot tears clouding the lower half of my vision. It was all my fault... Morgana knew about my magic, and she knew I was a threat. Somehow she also knew that Kendall was my weak point, and the poor girl had been caught in the crossfire of a war that was not hers.

"We are going to find her," the young King's voice, and a hand placed on my shoulder brought me back to the real world. I sighed, and looked up at him with worry.

"I hope so," I said quietly. But what I thought was something like this: 'No. I'm going to find her.'


The towers of Morgana's fortress spiraled up in front of me. I took a deep breath, the cold air stinging my throat. I knew that somewhere in there, a scared peasant girl was wondering what she'd done to deserve this. Lord, they might even be torturing her for all I knew. I pulled the borrowed cloak closer around my shoulders, and separated from the tree line. A spell filled my mind, and flew from my outstretched fingertips, blasting the rought iron gates clean off their hinges. I stepped through in the smoke and the dust, now knowing that I had announced my presence. You know what? If it was my wrath this witch wanted, she was certainly going to get it.

I walked along the cold stone halls, feeling the presence of another powerful magician pull on me like a magnet. Emerging onto the roof of the highest tower, I saw her. Kendall had shackles on her wrists, keeping her in a sitting position on the ground. To my relief, she didn't look too bad - terrified, of course, but not injured. "Look out!" she screamed in my direction.

Before I could comprehend, a wave of force smased me back into the side of the stairwell. Everything swam and darkened before me, a doppleganger world splitting off from the real one. I was seeing double. A dark figure came closer, laughing with a self-satisfied, egotistical timbre.

"Morgana Pendragon," the name sounded like a curse as it fell from my lips.

"Emrys," the witch smirked, holding her head high as she came closer. Spite was as sharp as a knife in her eyes. "What a coincedence it is to see you here tonight."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine, m'lady," I said, dark and sarcastic, beginning to stand slowly. I thought I saw a quick flicker of fear pass through the witch's eyes at my words. Then, there was only anger.

"Let us see how you like it when I crush through your bones," she sneered. Morgana made a strange gesture with her hands, like a shoving motion, and her eyes flashed a bright gold. I leapt to the side just in time to avoid a magical blow that put a giant web of cracks in the stone behind me.

I reacted on my instincts. A fire glowed to life in my hands, and my eyes turned the same color for just a moment. The flames were close enough to burn me, but I only felt a pleasant warmth tickle at my palm. I threw the inferno at my opponent, thinking that it would destroy her. But, when she emerged with a hasty shield around her, I knew it was not so. The Pendragon woman was breathing heavily, rage filling up her eyes.

Power coursed through my blood, and before she had the chance to counter, I attacked again. Morgana must've felt it like a kick to the chest, for she went tumbling backwards, over the edge of the turret. I rushed to where she'd fallen from, thinking that, yes, maybe I could have fulfilled my destiny right here. Right now.

But the rogue witch landed on a balcony, a floor or two below. She was knocked unconsious, sustaining no mortal injuries. Oh well. That was good enough for now. I rushed over to Kendall, opening her cuffs with a quick spell and helping her to her feet. "Are you alright?"

"'re a sorcerer?" she asked, still in shock from my demonstration.

"I am," I said, afraid she would stay away for what I was.

"Why did you rescue me?"

"Because-" I choked on my own words. It was now or never. "Because ever since that day in the villiage, I can't stop thinking about you. Kendall... I love you."

"You do?" she smiled, almost with relief. "I love you too, Merlin." Her words filled me with a warmth that not even fire could give. Slowly, she came closer, putting her arms around me. I returned the gesture, not once breaking eye contact. "Thank you," she whispered softly, pressing her lips to mine. When we came apart after a minute or two I exhaled shakily, in disbelief at the whole situation.

"I am never, ever, going to let you out of my sight again."

"Is that a promise?" she smiled coyly. I took her hand, smiling quite widely myself.

"Yes. It is a promise."


@Kcourt Sorry if it got a bit long-winded at times, but it was really fun to write! Thanks for the request!

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