Always There.

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"She's a woman in a dream, one that makes you fall in love. Though her face is never seen, she is what this love is of."


Lex had left me upstairs for what felt like forever, so I went to the top of the stairs to try and over hear what was going on.

"So you have been seeing Olivia this entire time?" I hear Lex raise her voice, and my gut drops; so this whole time he has been with her?

"I- it was never that serious with Blaine to begin with!" Jake exclaimed.

"Not that serious? Really? That's why you got close to her son, and slept with her on multiple occasions? Gosh Jake, you really are the typical fuck boy aren't you?" Lex replied.

I close my eyes, I knew it; I knew this was all too much for him.

"It sounded like you wanted to be serious with her in the beginning, Jake." Josh sighed.

I should go down there, tell them it's fine, Jake can go be with Olivia and everything will work out fine, but something in me held me back. I decided to walk back into my room, not wanting to hear anymore and shut the door behind me. I leaned against the door and let out a breath, I grabbed my phone and dialed my mom.

"Hello?" I heard a deep voice say from the other line. I furrowed my eyebrows, pulling the phone from my ear and looking at it to make sure I dialed the right number.

"Hello?" they repeated.

"Mom?" I reply.

"Blaine, its Jason." the voice on the other line says.

"Where is my mom?" I say, confused as to why this man is answering my mother's phone.

"She- uh, she's in the hospital." Jason sighs. My eyes widened, I still hadn't told anyone about her, I didn't know how, and didn't really find the time.

"I'm on my way." I pick up my bag and Leo, walking downstairs and into the kitchen, earning the attention of everyone.

"You didn't hear that did you-" Jake began. "Save it." I shot him a look and then turned my gaze to Lex, "it's my mom. I have to go back to New York."

"But you just got back, what is wrong with your mom?" she asks, setting down her drink.

"She has stage 4 lung cancer, and she is in the hospital." I let out a sigh of relief, to get that off my chest. Lex looked back at Josh and then back to me, "I'll come with you.." she said, taking Leo from my arms.


Getting to the hospital, I about flew onto the nurse's counter asking where my mother's room was. Lex was in the waiting room with Leo, when I finally found my mother's room, I took a deep breath in to swallow the tears as I opened the door.

"Lane.." my mother smiled from her bed. Jason sat beside her, holding her hand, at least now he acted like he cared.

"Mom.. what happened?" I sigh, holding her other hand and putting my hand onto her forehead.

"They can't do chemo, because the cancer will only fight it off and make things worse. They gave me this new medicine to help me with pain, and I had a bad reaction to it." she let out her last word with a faint breath, giving me a small reassuring smile.

"I love you so much," I say, bringing her hand to my mouth to kiss it. I didn't want this to be real, I wanted to go back and time and have a do over, of everything; including falling for Jake.

"I love you more, sweetie." she smiles, as she adjusted her oxygen.

"Have you heard from dad at all?" I ask, sitting beside her.

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