This is another kick ass title

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Okay before we start I want to say holy shit! Thank you guys for reading this...I never thought I would get so many views....
And also sorry it took a while to update...I'm moving houses so yeah it's been pretty hectic.

Dean's pov

"Um I'll wash you clothes and bring them back for you...I promise" Hannah half whispered

"no no that's keep them, they were too small for me anyways"

She nodded and smiled, well kinda
" okay, well thank you..for everything...I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow"

I grinned widely "of course"

I grabbed her hand and pulled out a pen, " here just in case you need me" I wrote my number on her hand

"thank you" I smiled and hugged her
" come sit with us at lunch" she nodded and walked out the door.

I sighed and went up to the bedroom where Cas had gone up to an hour ago.

"hey angel"
"hey pie" I rolled my eyes and climbed in to the bed.

I kissed Cas softly and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I started to drift off when I felt Cas crawl out of bed.

"what's wrong?"

He turned to me and glared playfully
" I'm hungry, you never fed me"

As if on cue my stomach grumbled loudly.

"fine..." I got up and walked past Cas with a smirk.


"um castiel..." Yeah he looked up from his plate of food

"you realize that we tried to go to bed at like 5 in the afternoon?" He giggled and shoved another mouthful of food in his mouth. He's got a big mouth... Nope. No. Shut up brain I bed you'd love to shut him up and down and all around. I mean it brain shut up.

"deaaan?" I looked up at Cas
He smirked and blushed slightly
"you do realize that whole conversation with your 'head' wasn't exactly in your head"

I blushed darkly and rubbed the back of my neck.
" Yeah you know, if you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple "

Cas laughed loudly and he fell on the ground.

"fine!...Apple! Oh my god! This is why I love you!" I laughed loudly and smiled at the stupid ball of cuteness that was rolling around on the ground.

He was starting to go bright red.
" why *gasp* am *gasp*I *gasp* still laughing" I chuckled and walked round the counter to him.

"can you breathe" he shook his head and looked at me once he calmed down. But as soon as he looked up at me he lost his shit and started laughing again.

I got down and straddled him he looked at me in confusion
" I know mouth to mouth" I winked at him and he chuckled again
" Well maybe you should administer it" I smirked and leant down to kiss him.

He kissed back instantly, his tongue ran across my lip;
I shuddered as he pulled at my lip ring softly.

Things got a bit heated, just as the front door swung open.

" Oh okay then sup guys, no no please continue!"
Charlie smiled at us and walked in as I got off Cas and pulled him up. It was then that I realized that we had taken each other's shirts off , Cas had a row of hickeys on his neck and chest, and I could feel the burning of at least one.

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