Chapter 6 - He's Perfect...

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I slept like a baby last night... I woke up thinking it was still late at night because darkness filled my room. I picked up my phone to check it and almost got blinded by the light.


Kian Lawley (2) Missed Call

Sam Pottorff (3) Missed Call

Really? I didn't pick up the first time for a reason. Why were they even calling me? I mean, hey, attractive guys are calling me and all, but they were getting on my nerves. Everything and everyone in California is stupid. 

I stayed laying in my bed for well over an hour just texting my Virginia friends and playing games on my phone. I had nothing to do here since I had no friends and had no intentions of making friends. I still couldn't get over the fact that I didn't live in Virginia anymore... I still cry a little when I think of Virginia and Dalaine.... and, well... everyone. I enjoyed my life so much. And it's all over... There's nothing I like about California besides this house. I covered my face with one of my pillows. This was all too much for me to handle. 

For some reason... I caught myself thinking about Kian... I couldn't get the embarrassing incidents out of my head... All I can think about is the way he looked when he was dabbing my forehead with the pink bandanna... and how he grabbed my shoulders to stop me from leaving... STOP VICTORIA.

*ding dong

Finally, my thoughts were cut off by my doorbell. As I made my way down the stairs, I could feel butterflies in my stomach, and my thoughts were running all over the place once again. Who is here this early in the morning? I't not even 8:00am yet.... What if it's Sam? What if it's Kian? What if it's both of them? How did they find my house? I thought I got rid of them... Was me ignoring them not enough? Why would they be here? I felt my chest tightening up as it was getting harder and harder to breathe... 

*ding dong*

I heard it again. It made me panic even more... I was standing there with my hand on the front door's knob, not making a move. I was nervous to see who was at the door... What if it is Kian and Sam? What would I do? Slam the door in their faces? I like that idea... I was deciding whether or not to open the door... My hand was still on the golden knob and I started taking deep breaths... What if it's someone for mom? I finally got the courage to open the door, right as they rang for a third time.

"Well hello there! Is this the Lorey residence?" A short, stubby, hairy man asked me. I looked down to his shirt... U-Haul. All this time I was worried it was the two stupid boys, and it was the movers... I forgot today was Sunday.

"Uh, yes. I'm Victoria, my mom is inside." I let the three movers come inside and lead them to kitchen where I saw my mom cooking. They started chatting as I went upstairs to get ready for the day. I had no where to go, and nothing to do, but I really don't feel like conversing with the movers. I'm not great at making friends if you couldn't tell already...

It's been hours, and the movers were still here. I came downstairs and I saw my mom telling them where to put her wall decorations. I was scanning the boxes to see what my mom kept and what she threw away. I smiled at all the memories... Eventually I came across my old long board I got from here, in California, my freshman year. I haven't rode that thing in ages! I picked it up and dusted it off. It still looked new. 

I smiled, bit my lip, and ran to the front door. "I'M GOING FOR A WALK, I HAVE MY PHONE, BYE!" I yelled out closing the door. I zigzagged through the movers and stopped in the middle of the street. I placed the long board down and stepped on it. Just as I was about to push off, I turned myself around. I didn't want to go the same direction I was jogging two nights ago... I hope I don't see Kian and Sam ever again. 

Just my luck (Kian Lawley Fan Fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant