Chapter 1

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"You know, Anna. No one will judge you for it. No one actually cares about that type of stuff. You're an amazing person."


I wake up in a cold sweat and sit up quickly. I wipe the tears from under my eyes and sigh. His smile and laugh run through my head and i push my hair back with my hands and sigh. His voice and face run through my head quickly. Robbie Clay. Robbie Clay. Robbie. Clay. That last look of mischievousness in his eyes and little smirk. Robbie Clay. I sigh and plop myself back down into the bed before looking over at my alarm clock. In about an hour I'll have my mother coming in here and giving me another talk about not putting pity on myself and to try to go back to school. For the twentieth time since that night.

I stare at the ceiling and his bright beautiful eyes flash through my mind as he looks up at me through his lashes with a small smile on his face. Robbie Clay. His stupid perfect white teeth and even dimples with his cute freckles and messy dark brown hair.


"You're so right! No one actually enjoys eating mushrooms! They're so gross and mushy! And there is like no actual flavor!" Robbie falls off of my bed backwards and laughs. I giggle at his silliness.

"How much have you drank?" I snort and take another sip out of the shiny flask.


My foster mom bursts into my room as I look over at the tiny flask under my desk. "You need to go to school, Anna. It's been over five weeks and you still haven't gone to school. You can't afford to miss any more. You're a Senior. Out of bed. Now." I roll over and look at her with the same empty expression that I always do.

"No thanks." I hear her huff before she stomps over to my bed. She pulls my bedding off of me before pulling me out of bed and sitting me on the floor.

"You're going to get out of this bed and do something with your life. I understand he was your friend, but this has gone on far enough. Get your butt in that shower and some clean clothes while I make you some waffles and then drop you off at school. You're graduating on time if it's the last thing I ever do with my life." With that she goes into my dresser and pulls an outfit out before stomping into my bathroom and starting the shower. She comes out and looks at me down her nose. "Now, Annabeth." I sniffle back a tear as I get up.


"Annabeth, huh? I think I prefer Anna. I think it makes you sound more sweet, like you really are. Annabeth sounds like an old lady name." His eyes crinkle from his joking smile and I smile back at him.

"Yeah. Anna sounds nice." He lightly shoves me and we laugh as we continue the walk to the football field for his first game of the season.


I pull myself onto my feet and lean against the wall to my bathroom. I look at the shower and silently give myself a pep talk to actually do as my foster mother asks of me.

Once I'm showered I numbly start the routine I used to do every morning before school and then walk downstairs to the smell of waffles and bacon with fresh strawberries. I look at my foster mother with a dull look in my eyes and she gives me a tight smile. "Eat up and then I'll drop you off at school on my way to work." I nod at her before sitting at the table and picking at my food.

Meredith (my foster mother) used to never take me to school. It's only six blocks away so I used to walk. Before Robbie I walked. After Robbie...


"We're neighbors, Anna. I'm not going to make you walk when we're going to the same place everyday. My car has room for two," he gives me a suggestive eyebrow raise and I push him with a fake disgusted face.

"You seem so nice and then the next second you act like such a boy!" He laughs at me.


I look over at Robbie's house in sorrow. The Clay's moved after the funeral, the oil marks left by Robbie's car still stuck on the driveway, but his car nowhere in sight. I sigh sadly and get into my mom's car as I look up at Robbie's bedroom window. The curtains are gone. For the first time since I moved into this foster home, the curtains are missing from Robbie's room, and a 'For Sale' sign sits in the freshly cut yard. Almost two years in this foster home, and I have never wanted to leave a foster home so much and it not have to actually do anything with the people living in it.

"Have a nice day," Meredith says as the car comes to a sudden stop and I look up to see the high school. I look for Robbie's car out of habit and feel my chest get tight as I realize I will never see Robbie's car in the school parking lot again. I give Meredith a tight smile before getting out and slamming the door behind me. I hitch my bag over my shoulder and sigh before walking towards the front doors.

"And here we all thought you killed yourself out of guilt. Too bad," I hear the snotty voice behind me. I mentally groan as I turn towards Sarah with a look of disinterest. Sarah was in love with Robbie, but he was never interested. Now she thinks the only reason she will never have a chance with him is because he is dead, which is somehow my fault.

"Please leave me alone, Sarah. It's hard enough having to be here today without having to put up with whatever your plans of torture for me are." With that I walk into my first hour and sit in the back of the room as I let my eyes wander over to his empty seat.

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