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As Jack entered Dovers main highstreet, he was shocked to see that the normally bustling town center was deserted. There was no roving gangs of hoodlums or theives, no street musicians busking for spare change, even Game was empty. There was only one reason Jack could think of that would cause such a large and visited public place to empty out like this.

"I'm guessing that the school wasn't an isolated incident then." Breathed Emma in a hushed voice.

"We don't know. It could just be-"

"DOES THIS MEAN MY MUMS DEAD!?" Cried an anguished Lewis. "She stays at home to watch my little brother, so she should be safe right?! She can't be dead. No that's just stupid."

"Listen to me, yeah? Nothing has happend to your mum OK? She's probably safe at home with your little bro. Oscar's fine."

But Lewis looked seriously upset and his shouting seemed to have set the others worried as well. Liam was looking nervously towards Jack as if awaiting an order. 'That's stupid.' Thought Jack. 'Why is he looking at me like I know what's going on?'

Tobias was nervously pacing, and Emma was biting the tip of her thumb.

Just as Jack was thinking this Lewis broke into a dead sprint down the uneven tarmac. His shock of slicked up ginger hair whiping furiously in the wind.

"What are you doing?! Come back!! LEWIS!!"

Jack was afraid that a shout like this would attract The Fallen, but he couldn't worry about this now. Lewis getting separated from the group could be disastrous for all of them.

"Come on, lets go get him." said Liam. He was obviously worried about the Fallen as well, but he knew that his friend was more important than his fear.

Jack led the charge after Lewis, as the rest of his friends followed hot on his heels.

"I know where he's going! Come on!" After what Lewis had said, Jack was certain that Lewis was running to his house where his mother and little brother, Oscar, would be.

He was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of Emma saying softly "Take a right. His house is that way Jack."

"How did you know?" In school Emma and Lewis had never seemed that close. Certainly not to the point where they went to each others houses.

"Me and Lewis used to go out in year 8. We went 'round each others houses all the time." Emma said with just a hint of sadness in here soft voice.

Upon hearing this Jack felt a little flush of jealousy for his friend, but soon banished it.

'Its of no use thinking like that. Besides, she said they were together in year 8.'

While Jack was thinking this they had covered this distance between the town centre and Lewis's house. Upon inspection it appeared as houses in Dover always appeared. A little run down and abandoned, with just the right amount of grime and dirt plastering the walls.

Lewis's little two bedroom, white and grey house looked fine as they ran up to it, but upon closer inspection the full horror of the situation hit them.

The font door had been knocked off of its hinges. There was blood splatters on the front porch and part of a dead body hanging out of the bathroom window.

Th gang of friends made a little collective gasp as they took in the scene. This was when a cry of absolute sorrow erupted from the house.


The scream was suddenly cut off as soon as it had started. All was silent before something inside of the house made a smaller shout.

Jack didn't need to hear any more. He sprinted up to the front door and entered the building.


Sorry for taking so long to update guys. Its hard finding time for writing with all of my school work.

Once again thank you to all the people sending me messages of support and all of the people taking their time to read and comment on From Hell to Heaven.

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