10- A Well Earned Rest

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"Lewis has decided to stay here with Oscar. We can't carry a kid to the police station, and we can't leave him alone in a house with his dead mother." Said Jack as he addressed the group that stood on the front steps of Lewis's house. After he had held Lewis, he had helped him into his bed, where he slept curled up with Oscar. Even now he was trying to bring himself to tell Oscar that he would never see his mother again.

"That's understandable. If we took him along then Oscar would just slow us down." Said Liam.

Everyone else that was gathered around nodded at that. After everything that had happened, the group had stopped disagreeing with Jack and Liam. They trusted Jack to protect them and get them safely to the police.

"Once everyone has eaten and has rest for a while we will continue on to the police station, right?" Chipped in Emma. She had wanted to go and help Jack with Lewis, but Jack had sent her away. He didn't want Emma to see Maryse. Even after seeing her sister die, Jack was still trying to protect that innocence that had originally attracted him to her.

"Right." He replied. He was now addressing the group as a whole. "We need to tell the authority's about the school, if they don't already know. After we have stayed the night here we go straight there. Alright guys?" Again the group nodded. The events of today had left the entire group exhausted, and no one wanted to leave Lewis alone this soon after his mothers death.

It was getting dark by the time everyone had settled in. Tobias and Liam where sleeping down stairs on the sofa. At first they had been disturbed by the bloody hand prints on the walls and the stains on the floor, but it was sleep on the sofa or sleep outside. Lewis was sleeping in his room with Oscar, a boy called Ryan Tomis and a few others where sleeping on a spare bed that had been erected in the kitchen. Jack and Emma where sharing the spare bed.

Jack had just locked all of the down stairs windows and barricaded the front entrance. After the door had been knocked off its hinges by the Fallen, it had been down to Jack and Liam to block the now open space up with the fridge from the kitchen.

After Liam laid down on the couch, Jack started walking up the stairs to go to bed. He trailed his finger tips up the wall and over the now dried blood. As he passed the bathroom he caught a glimpse of the Fallen that he had killed just hours earlier. It sent a shiver up his spine to know that he had been the cause of someone's death. It didn't matter that that person had been trying to kill him, or that it hadn't really been a person at all, it still felt wrong.

He knocked on the spare room door where he knew Emma was.

"Come in Jack!"

He opened the door and caught sight of Emma pulling her t-shirt over her head.

"I can come back later if you want?" Said Jack in a surprised voice. He hadn't been expecting to see Emma dressed in a bra and pyjama bottoms. In all honesty it was quite exciting. Jack hadn't been out with many girls and he had never been the type to watch porn.

"No it's fine, I'm just getting into bed now." She replied. She looked slightly amused at the sight of Jack blushing.

"Ok. I'll just change now. Hope you don't mind me sleeping in my underwear?" Asked Jack. He didn't want Emma to be uncomfortable around him. Especially if they where sleeping in the same bed.

"Of course not."

Jack had taken his shirt off and was in the process of taking his trousers off when he noticed that Emma was blushing. As she realised that he had noticed it only made her blush more. He pulled back the sheets and slid in next to her. She slid over so that they had an equal amount of room in the small bed.

"Good night Jack."

"Good night Emma. Do you think that we'll make it to the police station tomorrow?" Jack asked as he rolled over to face Emma.

"I'm sure we will. It's not that far from here and we shouldn't be making any stops on the way." She turned on her side to face Jack.

Even though he had only known Emma for two days, the sight of those bright blue eyes, so full of hope and joy filled him with a longing for a connection between the two of them.

"I hope not. We don't need anymore loses. Anyway, good night Emma."

"Good night Jack. Sweet dreams." She smiled and closed her eyes. And under his breath he muttered softly "Sweet dreams....beautiful."

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