1: The Disastrous Life of (Y/N) (L/N)

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You were sitting on the carpeted floors of your home, you stared at the TV.

It was broadcasting Family Guy.

The gum that you were before happily chewing has now become flavorless and dissolved becoming disgusting, the texture was familiar but you couldn't recognize it.

A new episode started playing, it was Christmas themed.


Christmas is the reason that (Y/N) is the way they are. 

SANTA CLAUSE is the reason (Y/N) is this way.

They're belittled by their siblings for believing he exists.

Their oldest sibling/sister, Aurora, always went on about it, it was always,

"PLEASE! Do you know anyone who still believes that Santa exists? Do you (Y/N)?!"

And don't get them started on their youngest brother...he was the worst of them.

"You dumb b!t€h, I can't BELIEVE you and your Santa craze! You're fu€k1ng delusional! Ahahahaha!"

(Y/N)'s blood was boiling with a fiery rage.

They should be able to believe what they want.

They were pulling their hair now and gritting their teeth.

The remote has now been picked up, and then the TV was off.

(Y/N) slammed down the remote, they were done.

They jumped up feeling destroying something or someone, but they didn't want to cause damage or harm today, so they just walked to the door, took their heavy winter coat, and went outside.

They walked through the harsh snow which was soon to be plowed, they slid their coat on as they walked while shivering profusely.

Hands in pockets, their organs were probably shivering at that point.

A string of bright colorful lights obscured (Y/N)'s vision though and....deers? Came down from the sky with a sleigh....

"Am I going even more mad than before...?"

(If you get the hidden reference Ily.)

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