why is it happening again?

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Sorry for large break, started another fanfic because I have too much free time sometimes.

The tall creature hovered over them, slowly creeping out of the moldy wall. Everyone was paralyzed in fear, it seemed the creature had an eye out for someone though, Itadori.

As it came closer to Itadori by the second he slowly backed up, a large skinny arm came out of the wall and closed in on Itadori. Megumi quickly grabbed a wooden plank on the floor as he saw it trying to touch Itadori.

"You BITCH," Megumi yelled, bringing the plank down quickly. Once he hit the creature it went smack down onto the floor, "RUN!"

Nobara and Y/N quickly scattered out of the room both going down the hall and to the right. Megumi followed after grabbing itadori, Itadori was still paralyzed in fear.

"COME ON!!" Megumi yelled, "We don't have time for this, come ON." He dragged Itadori out of the room.

After minutes of recollecting his thoughts Itadori finally snapped out of his confused state he got with the program and began running, "why the fuck was that?!" He said, scratching his head, "Why was it going after me?"

"Who knows, but we need to catch up with Nobara and Y/N. They're way ahead of us." Itadori nodded his head after Megumi explained how confused he was too.

Once they all finally made a stopping point in their running, they all had to take a breather since everyone was panting and out of air, "No, because, where the FUCK are we??" Y/N said out of breath.

"I don't know... But I don't like it at all, we needa escape Now." Nobara wiped the sweat off of her forehead and stood straight again, "god, all we wanted to do was see our home school, Why all of this?"

"Who, fucking, knows," Megumi stood up straight as well, "All I know is that, I'm not tryna die here."

"Same, but a better question is how is this a... possibility?" Itadori asked, looking at the most nerdy person in the group, "well xx Megumi?"

"I DONT KNOW??" Megumi shook his head, "why did you turn to ME first."

"I felt like you would know the most about this stuff, you know?"

"Okay bro."

Y/N and Nobara looked at each other and began smiling and shaking their heads, "Lord." Nobara began walking ahead of everyone, "Another long hallway?"

"Wait but look," Y/N pointed to the ground, "see it's a red carpet now."

"A red carpet?" Megumi said, looking down, "oh shit. It is red."

"This hallway reeks though, what?? It smells so bad." Itadori complained, he then walked on the dark red carpet and was disgusted by the sound it made once he stepped.

"Itadori. Stop walking, let's think here," Megumi took a hold of Itadori's shoulder, "so the ground is dark red and you said it reeked in here."

"Yes...?" Itadori replied, Nobara and Y/N knew exactly where this was going and they covered their noses with their shirts.

"And when you stepped on the ground it was squishy... right?"

Itadori nodded his head, "yeah? Where are you tr-" Itadori looked down, "WHAT THE FUCK?" He ran off of the floor grabbing onto Megumi.

Y/N and Nobara started laughing, "Itadori.. you're so dumb, HAHAHA." Megumi wiped the tears from her face, "y'know maybe er just got killed but Itadori... really? It was kind of obvious."

"I'm not the smartest ok? Damn."

"Oh we know," Y/N said, Nobara began to laugh even more obnoxiously now.

"This is bullying," Itadori crossed his arms and began walking again on the bloody carpet.

Megumi tried to hold in a laugh, "y'all are so mean for what."

"It was funny, ok? Damn. We can't laugh now?"

"Right." Nobara began to walk on the bloody carpet as well, "this is gross, but I can't do anything else."

"It was kinda funny but damn." Megumi began walking on the bloody floor, "ITADORI, WAIT FOR ME!!" Megumi began running towards him.

After walking down the long, bloody hallway no tv ong suspicious happened at all. It was chill, they talked and had fun. Nothing was wrong? But why did Itadori feel a certain unease in his body?

Megumi noticed this a while ago, Y/N too. They just stayed silent. Y/N grabbed Megumi by the shoulder and brought him closer, "Megumi. You see how Itadori is acting?"

"Yeah." He replied.

"What do you think... is wrong with him?" Y/N looked to both sides of them, "You think it's the place that's making him act weird?"

"Well... probably, because who wouldn't act weird in this type of place," Megumi didn't really pay attention to Itadori's actions, but Y/N knew there was a bigger picture.

"Guys..." Nobara said, everyone turned their head to face her.

"Yeah?" Itadori and Megumi said in unison.

"Look." She pointed to a large mansion with multiple floors, "it's the only thing..."

"How the fuck a mansion get here?" Y/N asked, "weird as hell."

"Right," Nobara said. She took a couple steps to go ahead, but something in the ground seemed to shift.

The floor went black and it quickly spread towards Megumi, Y/N, and Itadori, "OH SH-" Y/N's sound turned off but the mouth movements of their words could still be seen by Megumi.

No.. No, not again. Why is this happening again, why now, why me, Megumi collapsed to the floor as a rube filled with darkness overlaid them.

"MEGUMI!!" Itadori screamed, this time Megumi could hear something, but it was blurry.

He opened his eyes and removed the arms from the side of his head, he looked around for Itadori.

Itadori seemed to be cocking his hand back to release it into a punch. Megumi watched him do so, he watched Itadori release his hand and punch the fully black wall.

"ITA-" He screamed, but barely heard himself say it. On impact, Itadori shattered the black room with one punch. Shards of black glass like substance went flying, Nobara and Y/N began running towards Itadori.

"W- WAIT FOR ME!" Megumi yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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