Prologue -An opening to something new-

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Gold was blinding Chan's eyes, the bright color everywhere in the room. The white light was reflecting it, making his head hurt. He hated events like this, where everything was a display of wealth. From the hundreds worth suits, to the Rolex tied to their wrist.

The ballroom was full of them, men, rich men, CEOs, directors, businessmen, heirs, affluent men, powerful men, Alphas.

In their society individuals were divided into three categories, Alpha, Beta and Omega. Being an Alpha was seen as a gift, they were the leaders, the head of the food chain. Bang Chan was one of them, he had his place in that stupid even, being the CEO of an innovative pharmaceutical company.

He could be considered as a success, a self-made man growing his business from scratch to one of the most lucrative in the world.

He felt like a failure.

Aside from Alphas, Betas were the middle of the pyramid, they didn't have a scent or

the ability to smell an Omega or an Alpha, they didn't get rut or heat. They also were the most common gender. Alphas were 25% of the global population, Betas were 60% and the bottom of the food chain Omegas were the last 15%.

They were rare, so rare, that Alphas mating Betas and Betas mating within their category was much more common now.

Omegas were rare, so rare, they were cherished. They were the only ones with the ability to bear Children, even if now Betas could be implanted with an artificial womb to have their own children.

Male Omegas were less than 5% so mating with one was seen as something highly, like a final step in life.

Chan hated all of this hierarchy bullshit, he hated having to live up to people's expectations. He had developed a barrier around himself along the years, showing only a small part of his true self, refusing countless engagements with Betas or female Omegas. Chan lived for his work, throwing himself in piles of paperwork to sign or project to overview didn't scare him.

So assisting to a stupid gathering, organised by one of his major investor should have been a simple task.

It could have been, until he saw him.

An Omega, a male one, getting down the marble stairs with an Alpha Chan knew too well, Seo Changbin. The Omega dressed in an all white suit, black silk gloves on his pretty hands clasped around the muscular Alpha's arm. He had such a gentle smile on his face it was even more blinding than the gold surrounding him.

Seo Changbin was the mastermind behind this sumptuous gathering and it all just made sense now. It was all a show, a stage to display the man linked to his arm. The Omega was like some kind of eye candy, attracting the others present in the room.

The younger Alpha was one of Chan's acquaintances, he was in fact one of his major investors. The Seo came from old money, owning hospitals, malls and hotels all around Asia. Seeing him with an Omega was a strange thing, Chan had so many questions, how did he even manage to snatch such a beautiful Omega ?

He decided to make his way to the pair, who had moved from the stairs to the buffet. Changbin held a champagne flute in his free hand while the Omega was picking food to fill his plate.

"Good evening, Changbin-ah." Chan greeted, smiling easily to both of them.

"Chan hyung," The Alpha smiled back, setting his cup down on the table to pat his shoulder as a greeting. "I'm glad you could make it."

"Of course," He chuckled playfully. "You are my most important client."

Changbin smirked at that. "When you put it that way." Then he looked at the man next to him, deciding to finally introduce him to Chan. "I don't think you already met him yet, this is Yang Jeongin, my fiancé."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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