grand entrance

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She got off the bus and took out one headphone. She looked around and there were so many new faces, and so many eyes staring at her. 'Are they judging me?' She thought to herself. She plugged the headphone back into her ear and kept her head down as she walking into the entrance. It was a windy day so as she walked, her long, luxurious hair was separated from her face and made her look like a princess. Eyes of all colour followed her as she entered the doors. In the corner of her eye, she noticed the reception.

"Oh yeah I can get a time table there, it might make my day a tiny bit better." She mumbled to herself, hoping no one heard her.

"Excuse me, may I have a timetable? I'm kinda new here so I don't know where any classes are." Aurora softly asked the small woman at the reception.

"Here you go young lady, have a lovely first day!" Said the receptionist as she handed her a crisp piece of paper.

First class was math. She ventured through the whole school and still couldn't find it. "Shit, I'm gonna be late!" She thought to herself. She was rushing through the hallways, worrying about what she would say when she arrived. Suddenly she felt a body clash into hers. It was a boy, he was very handsome from her first sight.

"Hey watch it!" He said as he bent down to pick up her glasses. "New here then?" He slowly got up and passed her the glasses.

"Thank you, and yup, it's my first day and I have not got a clue where I'm supposed to be!" She said with a slight giggle.

"What class you got?"


"Ha that sucks dude, we'll Mrs Roberts math is down the hallway and on that right." He said with a laugh.

"Thank you! I've got to go now, see you around?" She said while quickly walking in the direction he sent her in.

"Hey, whats your name new girl?" Shouted the boy front one side of the hallway.

"Aurora, Aurora Winters! What's yours?" She said shouting.

"Myles, Myles Smith!" He said then chuckled.

Aurora's perspective:
'Wow, he was...surprisingly sweet! Oh, here's math.' She thought to herself. 'Deep breaths Aurora, deep breaths.'
She pushed open the croaky, beaten door to find every single set of eyes on her. Her heart pounded as she glanced over to the teacher. She looked old and like she didn't want to be there, but neither did I. I took a step in and she greeted me.

"Welcome! Everyone, this is Aurora. She recently moved from another state so she knows nobody here. Is that right, Aurora?" Said Mrs Roberts.

"Yep" I said with a quiet giggle.

"Sit on that seat in the back right." She said

I slowly walked in and out of the desks to arrive at my new one. This is going to be awful.

she dies in the end Where stories live. Discover now