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Alr hears part to :)

Latter that day George sat in bed thinking about dream and if he really wanted to go to Florida he never met dream yet so he was a little scared and never say his face but then agen he was really exited to go. He dident want to let dream down so he thought about maybe inviting quackity Karl and Wilbur to come with him so I wouldn't be as ouckward. George pulled out his phone yo text dream

Gogy: hey dream...

Dream: yesss gogy :)

(George blushed a little but dident think much of it)

Gogy: so I was wondering when I come quackity Karl and Wilbur
Should come so they could also meat you and Karl?

Dream: OMG OFC
(Dream understood George felt a little uncomfterble so went along with it)


dream: invite skeppy and bbh while ur at it :)
(Dream over thought and worried he maid George feel more uncomfterble)

Gogy: Okie :) can't wait.

Time skip 3 days (everyone agreed to come)

George pulled his bags out his door and herd a text from his phone. It was dream saying he would see him in 10 hrs and couldn't wait.

Dream: can't wait to see you just 10 more hours :)

Gogy: can't wait but I have to go now. See yah I'll text u agen when Im on the plane.

George rushed out the door to meat up with Wilbur at the airport to get on the plane.
After all the security the fininaly made it on the plane. George ploped down next to Wilbur on the window seat and pulled out his phone to tell dream he was on the plane. George disided to fall asleep to one of dreams manhunts.

8hrs latter :)

George got threw baggage claim (Idfk what it's called 🙄) with Wilbur sight behind him and dream texted him a photo of him and Wilbur right then. All the sudden he felt his feet leave the ground and  all he could see was a lime green sweater blurr. "dream" George whisperd on a small voice. "Hi George :)" replied dream. George blushed a little then got interupted there little moment. "Where's my hugs Wilbur said with a sarcastic pout in his voice. George felt him self being placed down and the warm comforting arms leave his side.

I'm a little tired so that's it for now I might make another chapter soon I have lot of ideas :). 415 words.

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