Chapter 2 - Future Boy

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The sun had risen high in the sky by the time the boy had woken up. Today was a big day. Today he was to go check out the cave that was near his town. It had been discovered back in 04 but no one who entered ever came back out so no one knew how much of it had really been explored.

"Sucrose! Come eat breakfast before it gets cold! You're not a child anymore. I shouldn't have to yell for you every morning!" His mother called from downstairs.

Sucrose came running down the stairs frantically. "I can't hang around a lot today, I have an important thing to do today!" He said he had already been ready in his warm clothes and his backpack already packed with everything he'd need.

His mother looked at him. "What's got you so busy today huh? I thought you said you would help me clean the house." His mother said as she ate.

Sucrose sighed as he finished packing his bag. "Mom I told you I was gonna be busy today, now I gotta go, I love you, I'll see you later!" Sucrose said as he left.

"Be careful please! Love you too!" His mom yelled as Sucrose closed the door.

Sucrose had a long walk ahead of him, seeing the cave had been a bit far but his house was probably the closest one to it. He was really excited, Sucrose had been drawn to this cave since he was but a child.

He always felt this drawing to it. This voice in his head calling him to it. And today was the day he finally went in.

Sucrose arrived at the entrance as he looked at the cave in awe. He'd heard so many rumors, knew the history. Truthfully he'd had a bit of an obsession with it if he was being honest. But he didn't care, he had to, it was like an inch he just had to scratch.

Sucrose began his journey into the cave, weird crystals scattered the surface of the walls and floor, large crystals hanging from above. They looked like ice but they had a strange warmth to them. You could tell they were definitely made by magic.

See magic was still around but not many people had it. The most well known magic user went by the name Erith. He was a fighter who led a group of men in the military back during the war of 3100. It wasn't too big but because of Erith they had won.

Now Erith and his group patrolled the land for any illegal firearms or illegal use of magic.

Sucrose hated it, but had been glad that Erith wouldn't dare enter this cave, whoever made these crystals would be in huge trouble.

The journey through into the deep cave was long, took a good hour or two to finally make it to the source of the crystals.

And there stood the Crystal boy. The shape of a tall male was prominent while looking at the crystal. It was strange, who could have made a crystal boy? It looked like there was supposed to be someone else alongside the boy but there wasn't. "Strange." Sucrose said as he approached the Crystal.

The Crystal began to shimmer as Sucrose got closer. Sucrose looked at it in awe and touched the crystal.

Then right before his eyes the crystal began to melt into a pool of water beneath him. As the Crystal melted there stood a very handsome tall young man. Hair short and black, the clothes looked strange, like stuff he'd seen from history books.

The crystal was soon gone and The man had nearly fallen to his back, luckily Sucrose had caught him and laid him down using his book bag as a pillow.

Sucrose was frantic as he began to check for a pulse on the man but as he touched the males neck for a pulse the male woke and looked at Sucrose as he sat up. "The Future One." The male said as he looked at Sucrose.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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