His name is Bokuto

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You were excellent at hiding a lot of your emotions. Well, one of them anyway. You could hide it as if it didn't exist, but that didn't mean you could feel that emotion. In fact you were overrun with that emotion almost all the time.

You couldn't lie to yourself. You were crushing on Bokuto.

I mean, he was perfect -he IS perfect. He always has a smile on his face, he is honestly kind and he always manages to get the best out of everyone. You love him for that.

Not to mention, he is also quite ripped. He has thighs you could gladly be crushed in- I mean, he just look so perfect.

When he walks in the classroom, that alone is enough to brighten your day. One day, when he walks in, makes you have that giddy simp smile, he walks right over to you, hands you flowers and asks if he can be your boyfriend.

________---2 Days Before---_________

"Hey, Bokuto! Come here!" One of his classmates called the smiley boy over. Of course, Bokuto made his way over.

"Hey! Whats up?!" He smiles at all of them.

"Wanna play a game.- its truth or dare" Another one of his classmates say.

"Sure! I would love to!" Bokuto grabs a seat turns it around and sits down with his fellow classmates.

Before the bell went, the boys in the class watch their classmates make fools out of themselves. One of them had to sing opera, another fornite dance and another throw a paper plane out the window. Finally, Putzie, one of the most meanest boys in the year got his turn to dare someone. He had the perfect dare and the perfect person he knew would pick dare. Sure, it was cruel, but whatever.

"Alright, Bokuto, truth or dare?" Putzie asked.

"Dare!" Bokuto said, excited to make his first dare. Wrong choice.

"I dare you to have fake feelings for y/n, date her for a bit and then break up with her at the school dance." Putzie takes a chug out of his soda bottle.

"...what?" Bokuto was confused on why anyone would ever think that was a good idea.

"Come on man, you see her. She is so...emo and shit. You sees how she looks so stressed at the library, how she barely hangs out with anyone and she never talks about the guy she likes." Putzie smiles, quickly eyeing the h/c girl.

"Bold of you to assume she's straight." Another guys says, everyone ignores him, expect Bokuto who nods in his direction.

As you unpacked your things on your desk, you sneezed.

"She likes someone? Are you sure?" Another boy asks, brushing the fringe out of his face. He smirked to himself, every time a girl he knows or met once likes someone, he straight up thinks it's him.

"I don't she does, it's hard to tell what she's thinking." Another boy says. "Girl usually get all red or squirm around with the guy they like. Y/n never does that. Like, ever."

From across the classroom, you sneezed.

"Excuse you, Mr. party-pooper, but I happen to sit next to our topic and she is always drawing hearts and listening to love songs. Her boss level of self-control is elite." A boy with green eyes sits back in his chair as he folds his arms.

"Okay, but what exactly is your plan here?" Bokuto asks.

"Y/n has a boyfriend -You, and then you can take her out to all these places, make her feel all giddy and shit. She get to get together with the most laid back person in the class and she loses how much she stresses. Then she can FINALLY find come love and happiness!" Putzie smirks about his plan.

Yet again, you sneezed, blinking twice after.

"Then why date her? Won't I have to break up with her after?" Bokuto asks, pouting.

"Yeah! But she will thank you for it though! She will see that you opened up the world for her and she will thank you!" Putzie says simply.

All the boys looked at Putzie with a 'how the fuck?' face. Well, only one. Her name was Tilka, and she was Y/n best friend.

"What kind of ding-dong-dumb kind of plan is that? Your gonna end up hurting her!" She smacks Putzie in the back of his head. "She could end up heartbroken!"

"or she could not" Putzie shrugs. "Trust me, she's be fine."

Tilka rolled her, but she knew about the growing crush that Y/n had on Bokuto, even if Y/n never told her.

Bokuto smiled, doubling the chances of everything going into the shits.

"I mean, if it would make her feel happy! Then I guess it couldn't hurt!" Bokuto smiled, Tilka looked at him and then back at you.

He couldn't be more wrong.

"But! I do have a question." Bokuto stopped everyone, he was swinging in his chair slightly. "Why do I have to become her boyfriend? Why not her friend?"

"Because, as her boyfriend, she'll feel like she has to go places with you. Listen, I know all about girls. They love it when they are forced to do stuff. Also, girls are waay too forgiving and kind. Soon enough, she'll forgot about this entire thing and will get a real boyfriend." Putzie said, thinking he knows everything when it comes to girls.

Bokuto thought about this. You and him would be in a fake relationship for 5 and a half months, at the 3rd year dance he'll break up with you and by the time the school dance comes around, you would have forgotten everything. She would forgive him and move on.

Sounds easy.

"Okay! I guess I can do it!" Bokuto smiled.

You sneezed, yet again.

_______--- Now ---________

"Be my girlfriend!" Bokuto smiled down at you, he handed you flowers and chocolates.

You looked up to him, surprised. Everyone was now watching, he said it so loud. Some girls looked at you with a strange face, the popular boy wanted you.

"I- What?" You say, confused, looking behind you just in case he was taking to someone else.

Is this really happening?Omg OMg OMG  KGJADLGBEAORNCGIIGENGEJVKLCKJG. Everyone else can get WRECKED!.

"BE my girlfriend! I really like you!" Bokuto gave you his wonderful and beautiful smile he always wore, but this one was for you.

"Why? I'm sure I'm not your typ-" You began to explain why he wouldn't want you, even though every system in your body was telling you to STFU!!!!

"I'm 100% sure your my type! Your pretty and kind, and your pretty funny as well! You have a remark for everything and your laugh make me smile! You're an interesting person and I have ran out of words to flatter you by!" He giggled at the end, making your heart scream.

"Huh, K then" You smiled and bite your lip as you looked up to Bokuto. "I'll be your girlfriend."

The class then erupted into noise. Most of the boys were slapping Bokuto's back and cheering him on. Some of the girls rushed over to you to asked you a lot of things while some envied you. Tilka ran over to you and smiled to you. She knew about your crush on him and didn't want to hurt you, she felt like it would crush you. Maybe she could talk things over with Bokuto or changed y/n's mind about him before it was too late. But for now Tilka would clap for the new couple.

Truth or Dare | Bokuto x reader | Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now