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the rain hit the couples head as they ran towards the park, a loud clash was heard from behind causing both of them to gasp loudly "oh my god we're going to get struck down!!" one giggled, "but at least we'll be together as we die?"

"that shit was so corny shut up"

(name) woke up in a cold sweat, 3:20 am, "not again.." she sighed, pulling her knees to her chest, maneuvering to the headboard, she shakily grabbed her phone, no new notifications, she scoffed "obviously"

she placed her phone back down delicately. grabbing her black journal from behind her pillows, along with a pen.

and she wrote, the tears slowly flowing onto the paper.

i miss you.

i miss you like a dog without its owner
i miss you like an addict without their pills
i miss you like the raindrops miss their spot in the  clouds

when will you come back?

"fuck thats cringe." sighing she played some music, being upstairs and all had its advantages, nobody could hear her music all the way up here.

"but if there was a fire i'd be the last to know most likely, and i'd burn to a crisp and nobody would miss me" she guessed

"no stop thinking like that (name)."

she shook her head as Hold on Till May played.

she looked up at the celling, time passed quickly because before she knew it, her alarm went off.

she shoved her journal under her pillow.

"christ what am i gonna wear?" she gripped her hair, she grabbed a black cropped cardigan and a red and black plaid skirt, she threw on some docs and quickly pushed threw her morning routine, brushing her teeth, doing her hair, deodorant, perfume ect.

she ran down the stairs, nearly tripping as she threw on her backpack. she opened the door and grabbed her key, "bye boys" she said to the dogs lounging on the couch and shut the door.

running up the hill to the bus stop in hopes to be the first one there, she realized she forgot her water bottle.

"fuck. whatever i'll just get one from max or something i dunno."

(name) trudged up the hill; only to see that she had been beaten, by heavy and dee.

"little assholes!" (name) ruffled heavys hair, "i'll get you tomorrow thats a fact."

heavy shrugged in a "yeah sure whatever you say bud" way.

"dont get attitude with me lil' man" she put a hand on her hip.

"i aint got no attiude" he rolled his eyes and flipped his hair, causing (name) to laugh.

"how've you been? happy Monday amirite?" (name) started up.

heavy shrugged, dee just got on his phone, "word" she smiled and leaned on the stop sign, going quiet as her smile faded.

the bus came and the three made their way to the back, it was awfully quiet today.

she sat next to dee, who was blasting music in his earbuds, heavy sat next to his friend zeke. 


as the three arrived at school, (name)'s mood completely changed, she frowned and suddenly became hateful.

"i dont wanna fucking be here, im gonna kill myself if this hell hole doesn't do it for me." she huffed, dee chuckled in agreement.

"you doin fine dee? you've barley said a word."

"im okay." he glanced at (name) who was staring at the ground with a worried expression.

"what about you?" he asked, looking at his friends side profile.

"i had another dream, last night." she admitted.

Poems. (Dee x reader)Where stories live. Discover now