•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 2)

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They tried everything. Gave his favorite stuffy, played some music, comforting him, put him on time-out but nothing worked

"It's that damn chips!"

"You know what let's clean the mess first, at least Wilbur's gonna come home to a clean house"

Dream said while pinching is nose bridge. They all agreed and started cleaning the chips on the floor while Tommy was sitting on the side with puffy eyes and a very red face. It was obvious he threw a tantrum. Then the boy sniffled and said to them

"My chwips, gogy destwoy dem. I tells wilby about it"

"Wait no no! You can't- I mean you shouldn't because Wilbur's gonna be mad!"

"Nuu! Your fault! Youurr faulllttt!! Ahhh"

He said loudly and began to throw another tantrum

"Tommy enough! Go to the corner!"

Dream said in a stern and serious voice. Tommy shuddered but still angry. He decided to follow him and went to the corner sniffling and crossing his arms

"Hey were done cleaning, should we just order dinner? And deal with all this later?"

Fundy said while pointing at Tommy pouting in the corner

"Yeah we should, hey George can you call domino's? Just order a pepperoni pizza and a small four slice cheese pizza for Tommy. There is some soda and we can make some angel milk"

"Sure lemme grab the phone"

George dialed Domino's leaving Fundy and Dream to Tommy. Dream decided to comfort the boy so he wouldn't be a crying mess and hopefully will listen to them

"Hey kiddo, do you wanna talk about what happened earlier?"

"Hmph nu"

"Come on, if you tell me about it i'll put you out in timeout"

Tommy thought about it for a bit before agreeing with him


Said the boy while turning to Dream and clutching his legs

"Woah hey come here let's talk in the couch with Fundy"

Dream said while looking at Fundy signaling him to help him. He chuckled at him and sat beside them

"So what happened earlier bubs?"

"Gogy took my chips, an' I ish hungwy and I see it on da floor"

Tommy said while sniffling

"Well you know you're not allowed to eat those right?"

"I knows buh buh i wan it!"

"No young man, you know you're not allowed to eat but you still fought about it"

Fundy said looking at the boy. Tommy felt guilty and started tearing up

"Oh no"

"I sowwyy dweamm!! I didn't means too pwease don't tell wilbyyy! I sowwyy to gogyy toooo"

Tommy said while bawling his eyes out and hiccuping

"Shh it's ok cupcake, don't cry now. I know you didn't mean it"

Dream said while rubbing his back trying to calm him but it didn't help

"We have to make him stop crying Fundy, or else he's gonna die from all this crying"

Fundy thought about it for a minute and an idea popped in his head. He ran to the other room and grabbed a few stuff animals and brought a small table and a blanket and went back

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