Day 06 - 30 Facts

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It said interesting facts, but I dont think I'm interesting enough to have three interesting facts.

1. My name is Grace.

2. I'm 14.

3. My birthday is March the 23.

4. I have a dog.

5. I like pickles.

6. I'm good at hula hooping.

7. I'm good at jump roping, but I don't want to show my friends at school because I did once and all the dudes were looking at my boobs. Literally, at least five. Like, can you not.

8. I have boobs-I am a female, after all.

9. I'm good at rollerblading.

10. I can't skateboard or rollerskate, just rollerblade.

11. I have lots of scars because I'm dumb. Probably the biggest one covers my entire right knee when I tore it completely up because I was playing a game called Miniature Tanks at band camp. (I'll tell you if you ask.)

12. I am in marching band

13. I play the smallest bass drum, currently

14. My friends have a nickname for me, which is Baby Bass Grace. I hate it very very much. If you call me that, I will unfollow you and not refollow you until you apologize. If I am not following you and you do it, I will follow you and unfollow you.

15. My bass drum's name is Phillip.

16. I like cookie dough ice cream.

17. I have a brother.

18. My brother is 11

19. My brother's birthday is March 6th.

20. I love pokemon. A lot.

21. Honestly if you showed me a picture of a any of the 700+ pokemon without the name, 94% of the time I'll get it right

22. I'm kind of getting into yugioh.

23. I'm terrified of spiders.

24. When I was younger I was completely mortified of tornadoes. They scared me so bad. I'd burst into tears at the word "tornado" and during one drill they had to call my aunt, who is a teacher, down from the high school building to calm me down. I'm still scared of them now, just really not as bad.

25. I used to also be really afraid of thunder. When I heard thunder I'd cry and during thunderstorms I'd hide under my bed or in my closet. Now I really like the sound of rain and thunder.

26. One time when I was a little tiny kid I rolled off the bed and then under the bed while asleep and my mom almost called 911 because she couldn't find me.

27. I do not like my body very much at all.

28. I may seem like I have high self esteem, but I don't really.

29. I don't want to grow up.

30. Apparently, my accent is very weird.

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