38: Devil's Plan

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⊱⋅ ─ 38: DEVIL'S PLAN

"Sir, we lost track of the vehicles twenty minutes ago," a man said as he looked at the monitor for the tracker, "we've been trying to get back to tracking the targets down, but it has seemed that the targets have," the man swallowed hard, not believing that he'd say the next words, "it's like they disappeared, sir."

Taeyong glared at nothing as his grip on his wine glass grew firm, the material shattering and wine spilling on the white marble floors.


Through gritted teeth and a tight grip on his phone, his knuckles turning white, "Track them down, and make sure that we would give them a wonderful surprise as soon as we find them." Taeyong ended the call and placed his phone down, sighing in frustration as to see no maid to come to his aid.

He looked around to see that there was no one at sight, tried to listen for any sounds of footsteps, he softly growled at the back of his throat before yelling.

"Maids!" He called angrily, "Maids! Where the hell are you all when your service is needed?" He growled, having two maids rush to his aid.

"Yes, Master Taeyong?" One of them asked in concern, only to find the shattered wine glass' shards on the floor and the red wine soiling it. "Ah, yes, we will get to it right away!" The maid said before the two of them scurried to get what they need in order to clean up the mess.

With a scoff and a disappointed shake of his head, he left the living room to head to his bedroom, to find it empty and almost like it had been abandoned. Instead of taking an afternoon's rest on his bed, he turned his attention towards his computer, in which had freshly received files, such as images and videos of Felix and his friends in their struggle of independent travelling.

He was watching a video of Felix helping Jeongin scramble out of his tent and paused the said video at exactly when Felix almost looked like he was glaring at the camera that captured the scene.

"Scum." Taeyong growled as he scowled at Felix's face displayed on the monitor, "I'll make sure you and your beloved friends will suffer as soon as I get all of you."

Taeyong heard a knock on the door, and it caught his full attention, seeing Kun at the door, a stoic expression drawn on his facial features, "How long have you been waiting?"

"Not long, actually," Taeyong replied, standing up from his chair and approaching Kun, "Are the preparations for the next three days ready?"

"Yes," Kun nodded confidently with a mischievous smirk, "ready and deadly." 

"Deadly enough to have me win?"

"Most certainly."

Taeyong's boastful smile widened, so he lead Kun to his favorite room, the Paradise Room, where Taeyong can still live the life of enjoyment and entertainment while remaining in his own domain, safe and sound.

"Wine?" Taeyong asked briefly as he looked over at Kun over his shoulder, the man standing before a shelf that had variations of beverages.

"Whiskey, please," Kun responded, to which an android immediately did its job, serving Taeyong and Kun with their desired drinks, after that, they proceeded to sit on the velvety couch to discuss some certain agendas.

"How are the others, our hostages, I mean?" Queried Taeyong before taking a sip from his wine, "Surely they're taking their lives in living Hell quite seriously."

Kun chuckled deviously, "Well, the younger ones have been always crying and whimpering," he sniggered, "poor Minhyung had to watch them suffer, especially the one that he seemed to have an interest in."

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