Summer Heat ❤ (Part 2)

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As we arrive at the hotel, we checked in and since there are two rooms, we decided to divide ourselves..

" I'll go with Sayuki, I guess "

I volunteered. I really want to be with her for some reason. She was at first startled when suddenly Ayumi jumped again on me and insisted to be in a room with me. -_- I stared at Sayuki for her to say she wants to be in the same room as me when suddenly...

" I'll room with Hayate-chan.. "

" Me too, "

The blonde girl also raised her hand...

There you go.

She's Mad.. She's totally mad at me..

We all went to our rooms and settled our things first, our first agenda today is to head at the beach. Apparently, It's a hotel, spring resort. They have beach on their area, an inside pool and hotspring.. It's packed right?

I changed in my bikini top and shorts then also wore my hoodie jacket, after all I have a slight vision on what's going to happen.

Ayumi and I went at the lobby and waited for them. First, Hayate then Erisa and lastly... The girl that never fails to take my breath away.. With her one piece bikini and short, her hair was all tied up. I never saw her tied it up, and she looks more adult with it.
Our eyes met, but then again she just averted it away not even giving a single smile..

How can this person even stand doing this to me..

We all went at the beach, and of course all eyes were averted to us because of the blondes we have, Sayuki and Erisa-san.

As long as it's only for their eyes.. Don't they even dare to lay a finger on her..

I am slowly sounding like an old father who has a complex with her daughter. -_- Creepy? I know.

Hayate initiated beach volleyball and since I suck at sports, I just let them have their way on playing. Erisa and Sayuki V.S. Hayate and Ayumi.

Even though Sayuki look weak, she still manage to catch their phase and when she strike a pose everytime she spikes, she look sexy yet elegant.


Since when did I even started to lust for her??

Okay, I have to focus..

As I took a glance at her once again, she was dripping in sweat and as she wiped it off, our eyes met.


That's totally,

" Kyaaaa! "

A sudden lady scream caught my attention and as I look at it, It was Ayumi.. We all went at their place and I guess she sprained her ankle.

" I'm okay, you don't have to worry. "

She smiled as she tries to stood up but unfortunately, she can't..

" I'll lend you my back, "

I said as I gestured down to carry her.

" But... "

" I insist, don't worry I'm good at supporting my sister everytime she gets injured from a game"

I smiled to make her trust me. There she jump in my back and I carried her back at the hotel. I treated her with a cold compress and massaged her ankle. I left her for a while to rest while Erisa-san is looking for her.

As I went to the lobby, I saw the two and can figure out that they were worried about her. What a drama, it's just a simple sprain. -_-

" How is she? "

Hayate asked as she approached me. I didn't answered it first until we reach the bench were Sayuki was sitting. I grabbed the bottled water she was drinking and drank at it.

I can say they're pretty startled with it...

" She's okay but I guess she have to stay in bed for the whole day.. She can join us later at the hotspring, so don't worry. "

I answered as they gain their composure back.

" Then, I should go and get a reservation for later.. "

Hayate waved as she walks away leaving the two of us.



What an awkward silence..

I placed my jacket at her shoulder and offered a towel to her. She then, accepted it and started to wipe her sweat off.

I don't know why, but right now... It seemed like I got my tongue cat tied..

" Please go back to your room and change.. "

I demanded as I just looked straight without glancing at her. I can feel that she was looking at me with a confused face but there's just no way I'll look at her anymore..

She stood up and was about to walk when I called out for her. And this time, our eyes met.

" Tomorrow at dawn, I'll wait for you at the lobby. "

I said as I stoop up and walk away...

I really hope we can have our time together...

As I walk my vission suddenly blurred making my balance off for a sec.
I totally forgot about my condition..
I don't really want to spoil the fun since I think it won't worsen. But to think it'll immediately take effect on me..

I still have to endure it until we finish this trip.

Please , body, try to endure it..

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