Chapter 3

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Just as expected the following morning Hiro prepared to leave just before the break of dawn.
Packed and ready to leave the young man stood in front of the door. As much as he didn't want to leave his family behind his heart and mind were decided and filled with revenge. Hiro reached out for the door but only to get startled by a soft spoken voice.
"Don't you think its still too dark to head out?"
His mother whispers out, stopping Hiro from opening the front door. He takes in a deep breath before dropping his head.
"Stay just a bit longer, just until the sun covers the land."
His mother adds, her voice was brittle yet soft. Hiro turns his head, watching his mother sit on the floor where they dined. Gently the young man places his belongings on the floor, beside the door. He walks over to his mother.
"Next time we meet mother I'll be in uniform"
Hiro tells his mother, kneeling to her level. Taking her gentle hands and bringing them up to his chest. As he speaks he softly pounds her hands on his chest.
"I'll avenge all whose lives were forcefully taken from them, I'll avenge father!"
Hiro whispers. His mother stares into his vengeful eyes. Peace and warmth stripped away from her son, his heart was shifted and she couldn't prevent him from leaving.
The young man hugs his weeping mother. She embraces him tightly, not wanting to let go of him. As the two spoke Y/N sat against the hallway wall, listening. She as well had packed her belongings the night before to sneak out and follow after her brother in secret.

Hiro waves goodbye to his mother as he walks down the snowy trail, on his way to meet with the trainer. His mother watches her son's image fade away as he walks deeper into the white covered forest. The mother closes the door behind her then walks over to her room. Before entering the room she pauses, her heart sinks to the floor. Not just one but two of children were leaving to fulfill their aching hearts.
"Please don't forget to write Y/N"
The sniveling mother weeps out to the sight of her daughter tiptoeing to the door. Y/N freezes up, a deep feeling of penitent surrounded the girl. The girl avoids her mother, guilty due to her not notifying her mother about her leaving and only to get caught. Y/N glances at her mother's direction, her arms were extended out. Y/N slowly meets eyes with her weeping mother. Warmth and pure love from a mother filled the room. Sun rays shined in through the cracks of the old wooden home. Her mother held her arms up, wanting to hug her daughter one last time before leaving, not knowing when she'll see her again.
Y/N utters out, her voice shaky. Y/N turns her body, slowly breaking into a run to embrace her mother. The two break down, blubbering as they speak.

"Look at you, all grown up now

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"Look at you, all grown up now."
Her mother says, sniveling.
"Oh my sweet little girl is not so little anymore."
The mother speaks out softly, holding her daughter close to her pounding heart. Y/N grips onto her mother's clothing, her fingers intangible with her mother's hair. Not wanting to let go, let go of the warmth of her mother.
"You are braver and stronger then you believe
Y/N! You are capable of so much."
Her mother tells her daughter, slowly breaking away from the hug to meet eyes with her.
"Believe in yourself! Your kind heart and ambitious mind will guide you to all the possibilities you seek and don't let anyone take that away from you! Trust yourself my dear! Trust your heart!"
Y/N listens to her mother speak, watching every tear stream down her soft plumed cheek. Only to realize her mother has gone silent. The mother stares into Y/N' eyes. Seeing how much her daughter has grown into a headstrong young lady. Her little Y/N was all grown up and capable of deciding her own fate.
"Thank you mother"
A sweet voice flutters around the weeping mother. Y/N holds into her mothers gentle hands guiding them to her face to cup her cheek.
"Thank you for everything Momma, I promise to come back with Hiro by my side"
As the sweet voice of Y/N spoke out, the image of her younger self was present to the mother. A little girl with big bright eyes and a gummy smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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