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Glendale forest.Dawn.

She walked along the path and reached the opening of the shrubbery that laced the edge of the lake. Sitting in its glory was the bench, warm tones of brown and a shiny silver plaque adorned its front. Sighing, she slumped into its curved structure looking at the scenery around her.

The mood was a happy and carefree one, each component of the scene displayed its best side. The trees rose to the occasion donning their best verdant hues. Golden shafts of light seeped through the shield of trees. The lake was shimmering and the heat was so strong it dazzled. She could just about see the horizon where the sky flaunted its vibrant colours: marigold depths, marmalade orange outlines to the few white clouds and a crimson halo around the sun. There was a tranquil breeze brushing the iridescent leaves of various green plants.

She got up and knelt in front of the water's edge. The lake was a smooth texture; only disturbed by the lazy ripples extending out and creating the gentle, artistic slopes. She could see her reflection so clear and bright that the lake would make a mirror jealous of its ability to reflect. Her wrinkles blossomed on her face, like vines in a forest. Her grey hair fell in cascades with its various shades: storm, thunder and pearl river. However, the attribute that stood out nowadays was her eyes. They were black orbs of darkness that were topped with thin fragile glass. So delicate.So sad. Tears streaked her face, dripping down into the river, polluting its pure waters with her emotions. It had been 2 weeks since she lost her husband. They both knew it was coming and held on to the moments before; desperate to go back to a time when there were no vines growing on their faces, no shades of grey invading their chocolate brown hair and no threat of cancer eating them whole.

Flurrying beneath the surface of the water was a lone goldfish, circling in front of her before coming to a stop and staring. She laughed at its questioning eyes and playful gestures. So innocent and pure in the world it lived in, encased in its little bubble. It swam further up and tilted its head as if it wanted to comfort her. She thought she was going crazy but ....

The fish looked like him. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. She saw his soul. The happiness of the years spent with her, the years of laughter and pain and the yearning for youth. Their story was written all over.

She looked around her and she saw it. The trees gently swishing to the dancing of the wind.The caress of the grass, softening under her touch. The rainbow of flowers dulling their brightness. Everything around her was mourning. They were mourning for her loss, her pain and the emptiness that was inside of her. She was not alone and that filled her with steely determination coursing through her veins.

She had many regrets but all of them evaporated at that moment, but one. Her husband was adventurous, brave and despite his aged appearance had a youthful spirit. For many years, he had tried to get her to climb Mount Everest with him and every time she denied: "it's too dangerous"," we're too old", "it takes too long". Any try of persuading her just ended up with denial or a promise of later.


Later never came. She had held him back because of meaningless reasons and countless doubts.

He never got to do his life's desire with his beloved wife. Standing there looking around at the mourning surroundings, she decided. She decided that she would do it and she would let nothing hold her back because...

'He deserves this' she said

By the mountainsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin